Bee-chan feels The current mood of at


                    Okay, okay, just to show that I luv all the other GW boys
as well **and who wouldn't X3!**! Here's Wufei's photo album of
his lovers...
Wufei: FRIENDS!! What are you trying to do, embarass me?!
Bee: **almost a little too happily** YES! Besides... you know I'm right!
Wufei: **BLUSH!!**

again, red border means new image!
last updated: 09-Jun-2003


Pages from the DJ group, AZZURI

pg. 1 pg. 2

Ever hear of a movie called THE MUNCHIES?

Cover for Operation Marriage hee hee!! pg one of Duo's plan to ask Heero to marry him! pg. 2 pg. 3 pg. 4 pg. 4
pg. 5 pg. 6 pg. 7


some proof of why Quatre tends to scare me... a lot!
reason number 1! reason number 2! reason number 3!

Doki Doki * Afternoon Time*! ack! Can't he just leave them be? ^^;;!
pg1 pg2 pg3 pg4 pg5

~~*I still luv him though. just he's such a cutey! ^_^!*~~


Too too hilarious! Heeeeero! FINALLY! You did it! ^_~!
"Heeeero! Come and kill me!!"  "MISSION ACCEPTED!" **pulls the trigger** ^_~!


the reason you NEVER give Wufei a blade of ANY sort ^_~

Wufei: HEY! I can hear you, you know!
Bee: ^^;;! Sorry, luvey! **snuggles**

page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6
page 7  page 8



Quatre Raberba Winner

Still pretty!! **smiles!** such a cutey!!  
dance, baby! Dance!! the one and ONLY guy who looks GOOD in a baggy sweater! **hee hee!** **sigh...!** He's such a cutey! as the breeze runs through his hair... **gomen! My mind drifted!!** such a sweet memory! ' Oh no!!! My goggles!! My poor goggles!!'


Trowa 'Nanashii' Barton

wahh!! I can't think of anything to say!! **how bout I just drool** M...MUH... MUSCLES! **passes out yet again!** Happy happy! Joy joy!! I swear to you, he's GOTTA be a model for Playgirl!! **happily dreams of joining the emerald eyed angel under his umbrella! sigh!** X3!
Trowa's the ONLY one who can make that uniform look sexy! **tsk tsk..** see, Tro, I TOLD you not to sharpen your knife during a lightening storm, dear! ^^;;! ' I've said it before and I'll say it again! MY BEAR!! ' He... cooks!!! **hops around like a mad fool, thinking what a wonderful addition to her crowded lil harem of bishies!!** sigh...!!! Trowa after a photo shoot with Wuffie, with me as the photographer! Nya!!


Duo Maxwell

awww!! it's... so... depressing!! **WAAAAHH!!** Another look you need to be wary of... when he's calm!! **bounces**  Who're the flowers for, Duo?! Whowhowho?!?! Meow!! Gimme hair! Want hair!!! W00t! Duo in cuffs! ^_~ 
Belly dancin' Duo! looking good! After Duo's try-outs for Miami Vice! Ummm... RUN!! HE'S GOT THAT LOOK ON HIS FACE AGAIN!!!! Hahhah!! Yes!! He's ALSO into colorguard! **nyah nyah!!** momentarily speechless **very good thing!**


Yuy Heero

It's REALLY REAL! It's a kind of jelly drink that comes in different flavors, with different Heero's on the packaging! Hahahaaa!! GW endorsed products!!  
Lucky damn ferret!! Proof that Heero can be sexy too!! No! Damn it! Don't cover up!! **evil laughter!** Such a smart ass! Now all he needs is the cigarettes in his sleeve and a leather jacket!! I'm gonna luv 'im and hug'im and squeeze'm and name him... OOPS! Wrong show again!!


Group & couple shots!

LOVE the flower, Treize XD! 
that's IT! No more coffee for Kushrenada-san!! BEAUTIFUL watercolor piece of the Arabian prince and the Bringer of Death ^_^! 
FOUND IT!! Finally found the full pic of Wu-bear in the tight orange shirt! MEE-OWF! The bois looks yum! =3! Line'em up! =3! Mmm! Perspectivey! Bwa hahaha!! Having artbooks is DEFINETLEY a good thing ^_^!  
absolutely gorgeous! And the backgrounds very pretty too! ^__^! Bwa haha!! SEE! Wufei rules at EVERYTHING!!! as Wu-bear proves once again that he is the sexiest by far! **need some help with those pants, luv? X3!** I LOVE Animerica! They have proven once again that Gundam Wing is a SHOUJO anime and manga!! Check out Animerica Extra volume 3, number 6, and you'll see what I mean! YAY! **Glomps the Animerica people!** just a cute pic o Duo & Wu! "SHINESMAN SALMON PINK!" Wait, wrong show! But the pic fits it sooo well!! ^_^!
Eee!! I love the zipatone patterns on Duo's outfit! Tres cool pic of the guys in TIGHT pants! Mmm mm mmm!! Nice butts, Heero and Wu! oo yum! Hee-chan & Duo in leather! oo! more leather! Weee!! GLOMP!!
one of my GW playing cards! **yay! I go tme playing cards!!** Hee hee hee! Air rifles! umm... ouch!! ^^;;! too... many to..choose from **faints!** **wipes up the puddle of drool that's been forming at her feet!** sigh... just GUESS who's not paying attention again ~_~;;!
Oh! Too dizzying!! ' I am Chang! Wufei Chang! Jr.! ' Argh!! Tried, but couldn't burn Relena out of the pic! Sorry! **happy giddy squick!** WET SUITS!! TIGHT WET SUITS!!!!! it's all like a dream... The boys with their japanese voice actors names.
Wu Fei, Trowa, and Quatre just lookin' so VERY very fine! **fights the sudden urge to sing the theme song to STAR WARS!** just ROFLAO!!! sleep over or group drinking/orgy party? You tell me! Yes, dear, it IS possible to achieve a full orgasm just by looking at picture!!! Awww!! Their pj's are way too cute!!
Evil Quatre ( fun? )! Two more o' the playing cards! Duo's worried `bout Heero... he gave him a pretty yellow flower... ...and claimed him as his own!! The original japanese cover to Ground Zero
How would you like seeing THESE two at your door the night of the big dance?! **smiles!** Demons and angels... **sigh!!**


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