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If you have NOT been in the guild for more than 2 weeks, you are NOT allowed to participate in guild contests. Sorry, but it's only fair.
Some contests will be posted on the front page of the guild.
A list of the permanent contests are listed below. Most of these contests require a certain amount of participation before activation. Sorry.
Battledome Contest: If you are interested in the Battledome (BD) as much as me, this is the contest for you. If you wish to compete against someone else in the guild, and the other person agrees to do it, you must first neomail me with the subject "Battledome Contest" and let me know. Then you and your opponnet must pick a day you both will be online to fight. Whoever wins the match, they will be rewarded any faerie of their choice. The flaw to this =P is that EACH pet must have around the same stats and hitpoints MUST be 18/18 or over.
Mystery Anime Contest: Every once in awhile I will have this contest. I will post a pic of a character from a certain anime and you must simply tell me the name of the anime. It's similar to the Mystery Pic Contest and pretty easy. The prize can range from 3K to 5K.
Anime Of The Month (AOTM): Once I get organized, I will activate this event. I'm still thinking about how I can get each of you to vote.
Member Of The Month (MOTM): Same goes for this event, too. Once I get organized and we get up to 60+ members I will activate it. Members who do something good for the guild will be placed here. You can be placed here more than once. =) Reward will be 3K.
Anime Faerie Event (by archangel1984): This event is brought to you by archangel1984 (Adrian), our Events Council. Adrian will every now and then post a quest on the guild's board. I don't think they are too difficult. First to finish the quest will be given a prize. If you have anymore questions about this topic, please mail him. Prizes vary.
For right now this is it. Hopefully if we can get more members, I will add a couple more.
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