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The Wishing Well! ^^
This activity is only open to the members of TPOA who've been a member for 2 weeks or more.
How Does This Work, Anyway?
Every month I will pick 1 person and grant their wish. Keep in mind that this activity can only remain open if every member donates something to our funds. Everything I buy for the guild will come out of our funds.
I will post a list of everyone's name that wishes have been granted below. Remember that if you ask for a Baby Paint Brush, unfortunately the guild's funds might not cover it.
The only way I will accept your submittion of a wish is by email (anime_palace04@yahoo.com) with the subject "Make A Wish".
Rules For Submittion:
- Please type as clear as possible with correct punctation AND grammar.
- Please ask for ONE item found in Neopets ONLY!
- You may only submit once every month so do NOT double click anywhere.
- If your wish is granted, you must wait a month to submit in another one.
- Please give the EXACT name of the item and nothing else. (no comments, just the wish)
- Once you submit, please do not discuss anything about it on the guild's board or your wish will be withdrawn from the activity well, immediately.
- Click On The Above Image To Submit A Wish! -
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