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The Palace Of Anime
The Palace Of Anime

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|The World Of Anime|
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Why Join?!

TPOA, in a nutshell, is simply a anime guild for anime lovers. We do not bribe or make people in any way join. You join because you love anime as much as we do and want to be around other otakus, or "Obsessive Anime Fans". =) Though we have 50+ members, only about roughly 20 of them are actually active. But they are all very friendly folk. Most Neopians will join a guild and then forget about it, or even stop playing Neopets all together (while still a member) - but that's just the way it is in all guilds, sadly.

I have never said I know all about every anime out there, because I don't. I have actually seen such a small amount. But I have enjoyed every bit of what I have seen and in my heart, I am a true otaku. =) That is why I say this guild is for you, for you to share what you have seen with others. For them to share with you. This is why I could not make the guild about one anime only, but all anime. Anime is truely amazing.

I keep the guild and site running smoothly with the help of 1 account - relena_195 -, 1 main email account - -, and a few very awesome friends.

Our Goal.

The goal of this guild, like other guilds I'm sure, is to keep the members all happy. That being important, the major goal of this guild is to just have fun. If you can honestly say you are having fun, then our job is complete.

Founded 06/12/2001. Why is the guild so old with very few active members?!

I'm sure you all are wondering that. Well, at the beginning of 2002, in January, I had some computer problems. There was no guardian at the time and I couldn't get on to update and run the guild. That is when most of the members left (some even leaving their username with 0 post). It was a major down time for us and just recently was I able to get back on due to my mom buying a new computer. Infact, I just officially got back on in December of 2002. So it was close to a year of no internet. But despite all that has happened, I have never given up on my guild and I am not about to start. I love everyone in it. ^_^

(2001-2003) All content & design are property of their rightful owners. All original and custom writing, design, and any other works created for The Palace Of Anime are property of Webmistress Kimberly and should not be reproduced without permission.