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Tenchi the Movie 2: Daughter of Darkness

Mayuka, 35K (scanned from dubbed VHS box)Sorry if this reviews sounds insulting as in playing down to Tenchi fans, but I did write this review for my high school newspaper. Just for your sake, I cut out my bull sh** opening in why I enjoy anime.

The story begins on what seems to be a normal summer day for Tenchi until he is stopped by a girl who claims to be his daughter. The girl's accusation leads to immediate problems with the girls and the rest of Tenchi's family, and when they find out that half of her DNA is the same as Tenchi's it only adds to the confusion. Eventually the girls begin to accept the strange girl except for Ryoko, a space pirate and demoness who is convinced that she is evil, after several weird instances she may be right.

I have seen a lot of animes, and this is indeed one of the funniest. The film takes aspects of sci-fi and fantasies without adapting any aspects to perfectly fit in with one another which creates most of the comedy. All the characters are likable and all the comedy involved with the film is good. Maybe the plot doesn't sound good on paper, but it works except for the climax which occurs a little too fast and none eventful.

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