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Tenchi Muyo! in Love

Tenchi the Movie

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Washu (10K...from BigFire Anime)

Kain and movie logo (31K... scanned from the VHS box)The plot of Tenchi Muyo! In Love seems to put too many responsibilities on the Tenchi cast since they have enough problems handling normal situations in the Tenchi Muyo! OVA series, but you know some how they will pull it out. I think the only other flaw with the film's screenplay is that like all other anime motion pictures (Sailor Moon S: The Movie as an example.) it just comes across as overly dark and dreary.

Beside for script weaknesses, everything else about this film is great except for the hit and miss soundtrack by Babylon 5's Christopher Franke. I figure if you are going to get a Sci-fi, Western Society composer, get one with Star Trek experience or John Williams (for any of those nerds who feel I'm insulting Bab 5, e-mail me at bitemeotakus@animeflow.cubs). All of the technical aspects of this film have really been stepped up from the prior series, Tenchi Muyo! and Tenchi Universe, which is a real treat for those established fans of the Tenchi series.

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Story/PlotProduction CreditsReviewCritiqueConclusion

Achica (13K...scanned from the VHS box) The numerous qualities of Tenchi the Movie make this a great video to view and to introduce those who are unfamiliar with the series since all the characters' quirks overcome the need for exposition about them. Personally, this may be the strongest Tenchi title since I was willing to buy a new copy after a anime tape viewing marathon fumbling incident destroyed my first copy. If that is not a great testimonial, I do not know what is.


© 1996 AIC • Tenchi Muyo Committee • Pioneer Entertainment (USA) L.P.
Manufactured and distributed by Pioneer Entertainment (USA) L.P.

Review of this page © 2001 Russ Stevens