Wanna Live With the Ronins?

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RL: *wakes up groggily and looks down* Hm.... AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *grabs on to the nearest person which happens to be Azure NightFire* Don't let me fall!!!! SAVE ME!!!
Azure: Um....
RL: I hate being up this high! Help me help me help me!!
Riikii: But I though you could levitate... you know fly.
RL: I can but I hate being high I just hide the fact that I do! HELP! everyone: *sweatdrops, grabs CG* Take me down take me down!!!!!

Azure: *smirks*You have a space-oriented armor and yet you're scared of heights? That's just too funny. *stifled laughter* BTW, I'm for waiting until the rest wake up, teleporting down, and, of course, who doesn't like revenge!

CG: I'll just teleport RL right now and come back to wait for everyone else to wake up *teleports RL to the ground and goes back to the roof to wait for others* the second we're all on the ground I'm gonna kill Kamome, or at least make her wish she had never done that!

Riikii: *wakes up, sees she is on the ceiling* Whoa! My personal gravity reversed polarity! *unwraps herself and jumps. Lands back on the ceiling* ...COOL!

Azure: I thought we were on the roof, Riikii. That is pretty neat though. Wish I could do that.

Akira24(Silent Firefall): just a random OOC post from me, cause Riikii's post caught my eye and all...... do you like Calvin and Hobbes? I SWEAR that happened to Calvin, hahaha they're such a funny comic strip, I LOVE them! and then he grows bigger and bigger and finally he gets back to normal size and his mom goes: hows the homework coming?
Calvin: I've almost started! the evil child we all want to be....hahhaha..... *cough* but I love you too guys...
Sage: *suspicious look*
Kento: *confused*
silent: heh.......

Riikii:Yes that did happen to Calvin! I have like four of the books. That's what I thought of after I posted that. *continues to jump on ceiling* I was inside anyway, and all I did was 'borrow' some of Rowen's books I wanted to read. How could they do this to me?

Azure: You probably accidentally fell asleep, then unwrapped yourself in your sleep. That's the reasonable explanation anyways. Then again, not much stuff here is reasonable so I'm probably wrong. Or maybe they skipped you in fear.
ps:Calvin & Hobbes is hilarious!

Silent: Yeah, I have all the books! they're terrific, especially after bad days in school and you need to vent some frustration but you're not allowed to do anything bad.....Hail Calvin! The destructive maniac child!

Azure: I'm with you! Hail he with an overactive (some might say) imagination. The phrase I prefer is "no off switch"

RL: Ohhh thank you Riikii! *runs and hides behind a tree* Where's my books I hid one here somewhere! *digs in the ground* HERE IT IS!! *holds up a dirty copy of a Left Behind book* YES!! Now I can finish it! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Riikii: Wow, and I thought I liked books.
Everyone: *sweatdrops*

RL: HAHAHA!!! No more heights, no more roof, no more nice girl! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *runs off laughing*

CG: Hmm, so is Everybody awake? I lost count. Oh, and what are we going to do about revenge.

Azure: I don't know if they're all up yet, but...Gimmeabook! You have no idea how much I read...and ultra fast too. But I don't want to brag...just gimme the Piers Anthony! Hmmm, on revenge.. I say we should leave a few stranded in the middle of the lake on a cheap life raft. (There is a lake, right?) And the others...will be hanging upside down from something...

CG: I only have one thing to say about your revenge suggestion... MMMMMWWWWWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Riikii: Piers Anthony!! He kicks bootay. *tries to reach bookshelf from the ceiling, but can't due to the fact all the bookshelves in her room are short...due to the fact SHE'S short* >.<

CG: Sorry about the bookshelf thing but it's time to start with the revenge *starts humming Mission Impossible while beckoning everyone to follow her (after teleporting everyone to the ground, don't worry, no one will fall off unless they choose to). She heads toward the Ronins house and opens the door to see The Ronins and Warlords watching TV* Taste the wrath of the Glider of the Cosmos *sprays everyone within 30ft with silly string*

Azure: Taste my Wrath!!!! *Azure Nightfire jumps into the fray, dodging silly string and Duct-Taping everything she can reach* Yeeeeehaaaaaaaa!!!!

Marie: Mwahahaha!! Feel the wrath of a Dark War- Oh wait, wrong line. *Lifts hand into air. As she does so, Kale, Ryo, and Sage are lifted up into the air also* All too easy. He, he! I love the Force!

Azure: Hey Marie, hold them there for a sec, okay? *knocks Obsessive-Compulsive(Kale), Helmet-Hair(Sage, of Course), and the Pyromaniac(Ryo, of course), out with her cast-iron frying pan* (In case you wondering, me and a friend decided to find something mentally wrong with each of the warlords. Anubis had multiple personalities, because he's always talking to himself, Sekhmet was just plain psychotic, obviously, Dais was schitzophrenic[I know that's spelled wrong], and Kale was O-C because we couldn't think of anything else. It actually makes sense though. Obsesses over hair, Sage, the dark and Cold...)*

Mia: *yelling* Stop! Stop! *desparately trying to save the mansion* Take this outside, PLEASE!!!!
CG: Alright, let's go everybody. Besides, ther's more room outside! Mwahaha! *gives everyone a meaningful wink*

What will Kosgrofe do? What will Kosgrofe do? (from Freakazoid if anyone has seen the episode)

Riikii: *stops dropping eggs on everyone one from the ceiling* O_O I can't go out! That's discrimination against short people stuck on the ceiling! If I go out I'll fly up into the stratosphere!! I'll be hurled away!
Ronins/Warlords (those that are conscious anyway): *look at her with evil grins*
Riikii: Whoa...don't give me that grin...HELP!

Azure: It looks like someone will have to save Riikii. That or she's gonna need to figure out how to re-reverse her gravity-however the heck that happened in the first place, were still working on.
And Kosgrofe will probably eat donuts!

Marie: Oh come on Riikii, give it a shot. I'm sure Rowen will save you.
Rowen: Suuurrreee . . .!

CG: Yeah Riikii, we'll get someone to help you out *glares evily at Rowen* besides, if we don't listen to Mia, she has the power to kick us out of the guesthouse.
Mia: Yeah, I do!
CG: Hey Mia, don't push your luck, we have the power of revenge with sillystring, DT, and Rowen on a pixistick high.
Mia: I'll be quiet.
CG: That's better. Oh yeah, we still have to find Kamome.

Azure: That could be tricky. How do you find someone who is a bird? And more importantly how do you take revenge on them? *digs up inflatable raft and starts blowing it up* Now...who should go in the raft? Dais wouldn't mind be upside down, so he's in. Which ones can't swim all that well?

Shades of Blue: I'm here Mia!
Mia: Your late.
Shades: *looks around* Oh...Ok, I'll be going then *mubbles under breath* I'm always late..stupid cab driver..getting lost and all..cab drivers shouldn't get lost..its just not fair *sees someone on the ceiling* Humm..how'd ya do that? *also sees evil smirk on Azures face* Umm..I'll really be going now..........

Azure: Don't worry, Shades, the smirk isn't for you. First we TP'd the Boys' Cars and a bunch of other stuff. Then while we were asleep, they DT'd us to the roof. This is our revenge in progress. Wanna help me DT Cye? He'll be soon swinging upside down from a tree branch. I love being insane, it's so much fun...

CG: And after the revenge we have to hunt down a bird that morphs into a person (or the other way around), she is a traitor and must be taught a lesson.

Azure: Oooo, I know what to do with her! Are you familiar with the use of candy as a Rapid Fire Projectile Weapon?

CG:Hmmm, yes I am. Shall we set the phasers to stun or kill?

Riikii: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NONONONONONONONONO! *clings to chandelier* I'm afraid of heights! And Rowen wouldn't save me unless I was still holding his Robotech book. Wait a minute...I'm high up now... *looks down* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Rowen: *laughs*
Riikii: >.< THIS ISN'T FUNNY!
Rowen: Yes it is.
Riikii: *chucks Robotech book at Rowen*
Rowen: *is knocked out by book* Gah... @_@
Riikii: Take that, you...Oh, wait, if I don't have that book he won't save me! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

CG: Yeah, I was just about to mention something about chucking your only ticket to the ground but I see you've noticed. I think I can help though. *teleports to chandalier* now all I have to do is teleport us back down-uh oh *with CG and Riikii hanging on it, the chandalier was forced to support more weight than it could handle and--* AHHHHHHHH!!!!
Riikii: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Rowen: *runs to catch Riikii but lets CG fall* are you okay Riikii?
Riikii: I'm fine.
CG: Yeah Rowen, thanks a lot *groans and rubs bottom*

Riikii: *is still clinging to Rowen* You saved me! Even though I don't have your book! *glomps him* I think I...wha....whooooaaaaaa! *slams back into ceiling* OW!
Rowen: *rubs head* Great, now I'm up here too.
Riikii: Yeah, the least I could have done is get the book first. *lets go of Rowen*
Rowen: O_O Don't let me go! I don't want to fall again! *grabs Riikii*
Riikii: And I thought I was afraid of heights....?
Rowen: ....
Riikii: Okay, let's just scream in terror together. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Rowen: ....all right. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Riikii: Wait, I had a thought.
Rowen: Surprise.
Riikii: *smacks Rowen* How much do you weigh?
Rowen: *confused* Why?
Riikii: Well, according to certain laws of force and equilibrium I don't feel like quoting- *Riikii and Rowen float to the middle of the room and hang there*
Riikii: NOW we're in equilibrium.
Rowen: -.- Great.

Azure: *looks at Rowen and Riikii floating in the middle of the room, and bursts out laughing* Rowen, Riikii, I know how to fix that problem.
[R and R]How?
[Azure]We just need to figure out a way to swap Rowen for Ryo.
[Rowen]*groans*How will that help?
[Azure]It gets you down here with CG and I, and Ryo up there with Riikii, so everyone's happy.
[Ryo]What about me? I'm not floating up there with her.
[Azure]Oh yes you are...

CG: Hmmmm, not a bad idea. What do you think Riikii?

Riikii: YEAH! *lets go of Rowen* pass him up...whaaa!
Rowen: *drops to floor* OW!
Riikii: *sigh* Life's not fair....

Marie: Can I say "jealousy"? Oh well, I did promise that Riikii could have Ryo for awhile as a birthday present. I wonder if another fight would break out if I brought T.Ryo here . . .Oh well! Here goes! *Snaps fingers and T.Ryo appears*
T.Ryo: Hey! How'd I get here?
Marie: Don't worry 'bout it.
T.Ryo: *Looks up to see Ryo with Riikii on ceiling*

Riikii: >.< IT'S NOT FUNNY! I want down, NOW! *suddenly drops to the ground* OW! Wait, you mean all I had to do was ask...? *falls over*
Everyone: ....

RL: *walks into the house and sees most of the people gathered there* Hmm seems like I missed quite a bit. Mind to tell me what happened?
Riikii: Sure. *fills in all the details*
RL: So the great flyer fell to the ground. And they say I can't do things right at times.
Rowen: Wasn't my fault! She let go!
RL: Whatever. *waves her hand and covers her mouth to conceal the giggle*
Rowen: Grrr.....
RL: Baby! Can't even take a simple joke anymore can ya? Typical male. Oops. O.o I said that out loud didn't I.
Rowen: Yup. *grins*
RL: I think I'll be going now! *dashes off*
Rowen: *not getting away that easy! *grabs a can of silly string and chases after her*

CG: It's okay RL. You're here now. We missed you. Okay, now we have to go find Kamome and get revenge *suddenly CG hears giggling* that sounds like Kayura. CG goes around to the side of the house to see Kamome and Kayura giggling about something*
Kamome: And now that mortal, Riikii is floating around on the cieling, I hope she never gets down. I've been coming up with a plan to mess with that CG chick, you wanna help me Kayura?
Kayura: *looking behind Kamome* Ummm, Kamome?
Kamome: What? *looks behind her to see CG with a very pissed off look on her face*
CG: I'd fly away little bird if I were you!
Kamome: I had to teach you a lesson for playing pranks on the Inferno bearer and his comrades, it's nothing personal*transforms into a gull*
CG: I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget!*CG teleports into the middle of the air to catch Kamome*
Kamome: *pecking CG's arms* you'll never get away with this mortal!!!
CG: *ignoring the blood being produced by Kamome's pecking* But I already have!*proceeds to wrap Kamome in DT, drop her in a trash can, jumps on top of the can, and begins to roll her toward Cye's favorite lake* if you girls have any ideas that are more evil than this, I'm open to suggestions.

Marie: Uhh, who's Kamome and what'd she do?

Azure: Kamone is the "Gull of Inferno." Guardian of the bearer of Inferno. I wonder if Tyro has a bird watching after him to?

CG: Well, her full name is 'Kikoutei no Kamome' or 'Gull of Inferno'. When she first came here she transformed from seagull to human and started telling a story about rising from the Rage of Inferno attack and keeping the Inferno armor out of the wrong hands. She had us believe that she wanted to play some pranks on Ryo but a little while ago she sold us out by telling the Ronins and Warlords that we were sleeping after we had done a bunch of pranks to them.
After some evil crap like that, I've been out for revenge ever since, and now I'm getting it.*suddenly smoke started rising from the lid of the trash can that CG was rolling. CG jumped off just in time for a bird that looked like a silver pheonix to blast her way out of the trash can.

Kamome: YOU DARE TO SEEK REVENGE ON THE GUARDIAN OF THE INFERNO ARMOR. NOW YOU MUST YOU MUST TASTE THE WRATH OF THE INFERNO!!!!!!!!!!!!* having made this lame speech Kamome sent a ball of white fire toward CG, sending her flying into a nearby tree, setting her shirt sleeve on fire along with the tree*
Cye: *running, followed by the Ronins, Warlords and several of the girls from the guest house* What happened CG? CG? *Cye walked up to the still form of CG, put out the fire with a small stream of water from his yari, and tried to revive CG*
Ryo: I'll take her inside, the rest of you can find that bird!!

Marie: Oh THAT bird. I remember you! You snitched on us and ruined my evil scam.
Ryo: *Turns around from walking to the house with CG in arms* YOU did that?! It was YOUR idea?! You ruined my favorite shirt!
Marie: *Muttering* It's not like you don't have millions of those red sweaters in your closet. I saw them when I went into your room-- *Stops to give self stupid-smack* Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid . . .

Riikii: Personally I like Ryo in his Gaiden shirt. OMG, I have the HOTTEST pic of him in that! Marie, wanna see?
Ryo: HEY! *tries to snatch pic from Riikii*
Riikii: Now, now, Ryo, we just want to drool over you. That's not so wrong, is it? Seriously, Marie, wanna see?

CG: *slowly wakes up* Boy do I have a HUGE headache. What's going on Ryo?
Ryo: You don't remember what happened with Kamome?
CG: Oh yeah, now I remember. Now I really have to kick her butt. This is way past a prank.
Ryo: I think you should rest first.
CG: I don't need to --ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
Ryo: *rolls his eyes*

CG: *wakes up* alright, time for revenge. Anyone got any good ideas, appearantly mine didn't work.

Riikii: *snerk* Ain't Ryo a hottie? Anyway, so, now what do we do? Take revenge on a gull or something? *blink* Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Marie: The other Ryo fanatic/tortuer said it, not me CG!

CG: Hey she's a gull with evil powers so it's justifiable. Oh well, let's just go on to something else.

Azure: Since the whole gull-hunt is pretty much dead, what else can we do with this post?

Riikii: *glomps Ryo* What's wrong with doing this?
Ryo: The fact that you and Marie will probably start fighting over me? *nervous look*
Riikii: Nah. We know how to share.

Marie: Yeah, besides, I don't like cat fights. As for the sharing, with only one person I don't really mind. But now there are two more! *shrugs* Oh well. *Walks onto roof with big, long elastic rope and ties it to her ankle. Leaps off roof* Anyone for bungie jumping? Weeee!
Cye: O_O *Starts backing away from roof*

Riikii: WHEEE! Wait, I don't like heights...
Sage: *push, then looks innocent*
Riikii: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!*BOING* I'm safe...
Sage: *cuts rope*
Riikii: *drops to ground* OW! Okay, that wasn't funny!

Marie: *Laughs at her from where she is still hanging upside down*
Kento: *Cuts rope*
Marie: Hey, not fair!

Riikii: *tries to reach Azure, but can't* >_<
Ryo: Stretch, Riikii! It's just a little higher!
Riikii: Gotcha!
Azure: Uh oh. I'm gonna let go-AAAAHHH! *Due to the stretched-out state of the bunji cord, Azure was forced to let go, and flew back up into the air* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!*finally lands back on roof takes bunjee cord off and advances towards Sage and Kento* You guys are gonna pay for this....
Ryo: *laughing*
Riikii: >_< Shut up.

Marie: *Climbs back on roof* Oh you think that's funny, eh?
Ryo: Uhh, well maybe,uh...yes?
Marie: OK.
Ryo: That's it?
Marie: No. *Runs at him and pulls the back of his shirt over his head so he can't see or get it off, then ties the bungy cord around his ankles and pushes off the roof* Buh bye!
Ryo: AHHHHH!!!!

CG: *high on pixistix, enters bouncing around* WHEEEEEEE!!! Bungee jumping!!!! *runs off the roof, forgetting to put the little thingy on her ankle and lands in a bush* Ouch.
Kento and Sage: *laughing*
CG: *teleports back to the roof* Hey, I've got an idea *goes inside* what happens when you melt Kento's chocolate stash with Sage's hair gel? Hey Yuli!!?
Yuli: Yeah CG?
CG: I've got a job for you...

Marie: Ooooo, now this should be interesting...!

Yuli: *happily mixing the gooey products*
CG: Hmm, I think it needs some fish food for a little zest!*hops off to Cye's room*

Riikii: x_X Something really nasty...blech!!

Azure: Do tell...what shall we do with this chocolate-smelling, hair gel fish food mess once it's concocted? Something evil, methinks?

Marie: Use it on the Ronins of course. 'Specially Sage's very mistreated hair! lol

Azure: Ah, poor Sagie. Methinks he would have long fled this insanity if able.

Celecia: *Walks up to the girls* Can I join the guest house?

CG: Wow, we haven't had a new guest in quite some time. Sure you can join. Just sign at the clipboard at the front desk in the lobby and join us in evil Ronin torturing!! *teleports to finish helping Yuli concoct the now-glowing potion in the kitchen* now to add the pixistix. Yessss precious, one of every flavor should do, hEE HEE hee hah!

Marie: *Watches as the potion begins to grow and move* O_O Maybe this was a bad idea . . .Ahhhh! The Stuff is growing, The Stuff is growing! Run for your lives!
Yuli: It's alive, it's alive, mwahahaha!

Riikii: o_O Don't tell me he's going to start laughing like some demented scientist. I just MSTed a fic like that.... >_< It was a matter of personal honor!

CG: Now for the finishing touch, a single hair from Sage's head! Pulls out one of Sage's hair-brushes and puts a hair into the potion *the potion writhes with life, glowing a sickly hue of halo-green* It has began! *starts dragging Yuli to the squirming ooze*
Yuli: CG, what are you doing?
CG: You were a big help but I have one last use for you.... you must be my first test subject!!!!

Marie: Yeah!

Celecia: *runs in and signs the clipboard in the lobby* Now where is Anubis? *runs around looking for Anubis. Finds him watching Yuli being thrown into the glowing goo concotion* Aaaannnnnuuuuuubbbbbiiiiiiissssss! *launches herself at Anubis*
Anubis: What the-- *tries to dodge the crazed girl but dosen't quite make it* Get it off me! *paniking and flailing madly he yells* Help!
Kale: *sees Anubis with a girl thats seems to be permanantly attached to him*

Riikii: Ain't nothing wrong with that boy Anubis!

Celecia: *is so content she dosen't notice Anibus going balistic*
Anubis: Get it off me! Get it off me! Help! *continues to flail*
Kale: *falls to the groung laughing*

Riikii: *rotflmao* Celecia, don't bite him. This is way too amusing. Besides, I like him.

*Sekhmet and Dais come to see what Anubis is yelling about.*
Anubis: *still flailing wildly* Help.
Sekhmet: Should we help him?
Dais: We'd better.
*Sekhmet and Dais peel off the crazed girl*
Celecia: *opens her eyes and notices she's no longer on Anubis. Looks over and spots her other favorite warlord, Kale*
Kaaaallleee! *Launches herself at Kale but is held back by Sekhmet and Dais*
Sekhmet: Will you stop that?
Celecia: Stop what?
Dais: Clobbering people!
Celecia: Clobbering? Oh, you mean glomping! *notices they are still keeping hold of her* Lemme go! *they let her go*
Anubis: Geesh!
Celecia: *catches site of Anubis*
Anubis: *notices Celecia looking at him and backs away*
Celecia: What's a matter 'Nubis?
Dais: 'Nubis?
Celecia: I bet I can fix it. *Launches herself at Anubis who stands there looking terrified*
Sekhmet: *catches Celecia* Don't clobber Anubis.
Celecia: It's only a glomp, lemme go!*attempts to break free*
Dais: Not unless you stop that.
Celecia: But... just lemme go! *struggles some more*
Sekhmet: So, Dais, what are we going to do about this... this... problem?
Celecia: *notices Sage*
Sage: Uh oh *turns and runs*
Celecia: *breaks out of grip and chases Sage*
Sage: Help!

Marie: *studies situation* Hmm. Hmm. Hmmm. Hmmmm. Mmhm. Mmnm.
Anubis: Would you stop that already?!
Marie: Why what's wrong 'Nubie?
'Nubie, er, Anubis: *rolls eyes*
Marie: *laughs*

Riikii: *cracks up* Marie, Marie, you'll never guess what I did in class the other day? I drew the Sagecow!
Sage: You. Did. Not.
Riikii: I did! I have to scan it sometime...

Celecia: *notices Marie annoying Anubis* I'll make em feel better *Launches herself at Anubis but is caught by Sekmet and Dais again*
Sekhmet: I think she needs to be caged.
Dais: Agreed. Where to find a cage?
Celecia: You can't cage me! It goes against my rights!
Sekhmet: Do you really think we care?
Celecia:*gets an idea how to get away from them. evilly snickers*
Dais: I don't like that type of snicker.

CG: *yeah, animal rights!* Woo Hoo, Warlord glomping time!!!!!!*launches herself at the lovely Warlords*
Dais: I know how to stop these girls. WEB OF DECEPTION!!!! *all girls are chained up* that should hold them for awhile.
CG: You know, normally I would be upset about this, but knowing that Dais tied me up, I think I kind of like it.
Dais: You have serious problems!
CG: *winks at him*
Anubis: I thought I was your favorite CG?
CG: Don't worry, you still are.
Anubis: Oh, I just remembered that's a bad thing.
CG: *rememebers that she can teleport, teleports, glomps Dais and Anubis, and goes to finish concocting her potion* now where was I? Oh yes, YULI!!!

Marie: *manages to pull out lightsaber and cut the web* Come on now, why tie me up? I don't even _like_ you guys!
Warlords: You don't?!
Marie: *Gulp* Maybe that was the wrong thing to say...I know, sic 'em Ryo!
Ryo: Zzzzzz*snort*zzzzzStupid'olWarlordsI'llshowyouzzzz
Marie: Hehe...Yikes! *Runs*

CG: In you go Yuli.
Yuli: But I did everything that you asked.
CG: Yeah, and now I'm asking you to do one more thing.
Mia: *walks in*
CG: Uh Oh!
Yuli: Mia help!!!!!!
CG: Ahk! *grabs her cocoction and teleports to her room in the guesthouse*

Marie: *grabs Mia's arm and drags her over to Riikii who's in the den, whispering* entertain her OK, Riikii?
Riikii: Uh sure...
Marie: OK, CG, the coast is clear!
Yuli: Mi-Mmph!
Marie: *Clamps hand over mouth* Shut up kid. ^_^
Yuli: Mmmsure...

CG: Okay. I'm not quite sure what this potion will do but I'm pretty sure it won't kill anyone. Now, Who should I use it on first?

Marie: I volunteer...Darth Maul. Will he work? Or maybe Talpa. Or Kayura!

Azure: I was thinking along the lines of another annoying anime character from another anime. *pulls Ash, Pikachu, and Relena out of a pothole*

CG: Hmmm, Azure, I think that's a pretty good idea but I think I want to make one small change. *pulls out Psy-duck* you said annoying!

Celecia: *breaks free of the web and glomps Sage*
Sage: Help! *thrashes wildly*
Dais: You'd think Sage'd be use to girls chaseing him around. *walks away not interested in helping Sage*
Sekhmet: *Follows Dais*

Psy-duck: Psy-yai-yai.
CG: Whoa, gotta put this thing in quick, *puts Psy-duck in the potion*
Psy-duck: *emerges out of the potion with a glowing green hue and a slightly smarter look on his face* That bauth was simply marvelous. I haud quite a jolly good time. We simply must try this again sometime *walks out sipping tea and saying 'pip pip, cheerio'*
CG: Okay, that was weird. I guess that means that this potion makes you smarter and gives you a British accent?
Kale: *enters guesthouse*
CG: Ah hah, a real victim!

Marie: Oh no, now _that_ would be scary!

CG: Heya Kale.
Kale: What are you up to?
CG: Who said I'm up to anything, I just wanted you to try this new energy drink that I made *pulls out glowing substance*
Kale: *takes the cup* What does this stuff do?
CG: Makes you smarter and stronger *mumbles* and a few other things that we probably haven't found out yet.
Kale: Hmm, stronger, maybe I can beat Hardrock at arm-wrestling with this *drinks the entire cup*
CG: Um *notices Kale sprouting wings* so, do you feel any stronger?
Kale: *flexes his muscles* yes, it's amazing, I think one of you girls finally did something useful *flies out the door to challenge Kento to arm-wrestling*

Riikii: How cute! Everyone gets some! *grabs a glass* Cheers!

Marie: *pokes at what's leftover in the pot*
Weird-glowing liquid: Grrrr....
Marie: O_o Oww! It bit me! @_@ Uhhh, I don't feel so good...

CG: Oh, poor Marie, here drink this *gives Marie a glass of water*
Riikii: *sprouts wings, flies out the door and starts an intelligent conversation with Psy-duck*
Rowen: Hey, are you guys talking about physics?? *joins in conversation*
CG: Hmm, since Rowen's already super smart, I wonder how he would react if I gave him some....

Celecia: *walks in, tired from glomping* What's this? *drinks a cup of glowing stuff, powers start going erratic and stuff starts blowing up* I think I'm allergic to this stuff!

CG: Oh, it might be because you already have wings, I wonder why Psy-duck didn't react this way.

Riikii: Whee! I got wings! This is fun!
Ryo: So much for the 'intelligent' part.-__-

Marie: *feeling better but seeing things* Oooooh, loookkiiee, it's the Aflak(sp?) duck!

Duck: AFLAK!
Riikii: *laughing, flies around* This, I like!

CG: Hmm, I haven't even tried it yet. *tries the potion* Hmm, thick yet fluid, sweet yet salty, and something strong enough to put hair on your tongue. *starts to sprout wings, flies away* wwwwwWWWeeeeEEEEEeeeeeE!!!!!!

Marie: Something strong enough to put hair on your tongue! Hey Sage! You should try this, maybe it will put hair on your _chest_!

Riikii: o_O Ew!

Azure: Wings? Wings are good. Oh well, here I go! *attempts to chug a glass* Hmm....tastes like tacos! *tries to sprout wings* What the!? Holy Craz! Flippers!? *takes a closer look at hands* Not to mention scales...Oh well, I'll just take a swim in the lake then. ~Someone's been reading MimicWorld...You write some pretty good stuff, Riikii. I can't wait to see it, and Dark finished~

Riikii: ^_^ *blushes*

CG: Uh oh *notices that her wings dissappeared* AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! PLOP! *lands in the dirt* I didn't know that this stuff has a time limit.

Riikii: Nooo!! I don't want to lose my pretty wings!

CG: Hey there's enough left for one person *pauses and realizes that there are two people that want to keep their wings*

LadyShanetian: Did you say enough for another person to join? I do.. as long as I can be near Kale... I'm so good.

Celecia: *plucks a feather from her wings and pulls out a stick thingy with wings* Hold this stick up and say Wings of a feather fly togetheR. Then you'll have perminate wings. I'm only giving up three feathers though so first come first serve!

Riikii: Hiya new person! Kale doesn't have anyone chasing him at the present moment, so have at him! *pushes Kale*

Kora: Thank you all. I will do my very best to uhh keep him company *Kale looks at Kora*
Kale: Now Kora please don't be like these girls, you're normal remember?
Kora: Kale I love you A LOT!!! So I won't hurt you... just play with your mind... MAUUWAHH
Kale: *looks at her and shakes head* THANKS ALOT FOR NOTHIN!! Kale yells*

Marie: You're really the first person whose claimed a Warlord upon arrival Shanetian. Everyone else usually grabs a Ronin. Oh well, welcome and hope you enjoy youself here! ^_^

Azure: This stuff's temporary? *scales and fins dissappear* Yay! I'm back to normall! *looks around* I'm also in the middle of the lake. Kuso.

Kora: Well I love Kale to death.... Part of my history is in the dynasty. Let me tell you my two names... Lady Kora is one (Thats for good) and my evil one is Lady Shanetian.. But you can call me one of the two. Wait where did Kale go? OO when I get my hands on him.

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