Wanna Live With the Ronins?

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Kora: Cool Marie. That picture of Ryo is really really cute.
Kale: And I'm not?
Kora: YES!! you are I just think that Picture of Ryo is cute... *Kora catches Kale once again*

Celecia: Just to be safe, LadyShanetian, Anubis is MINE!!!!!!!! *glomps Anubis*

Kora: Its ok I don't want Anubis I want Kale
Kale: Let Go I need to breath....Your crushing my... lungs
Kora: OOPS Sorry.. I didn't mean to. Just makin sure you get some of the tender lovin care. I'm an angel.
Kale: Well Anubis looks like me and you are in the same boat.

Celecia: That gives me an idea *teleports the 4 of them into a boat in the middle of the lake* No we can be alone with our boys. *glomps Anubis*

Kora: Ohh that sounds almost deadly....I like it.
Kale: How about I just leave you here with them... Its safer for me and I won't uhhh get hurt yeah..forgot to feed the wolves..
Kora: You aint going no where.. but right here. *Holds on to Cale real tight* Its nice out pretty moon too.
Kale: Uhhh Can You let me go a little bit *holds on tighter*

Celecia: Now no one can steal our boys. Hmm... Lets see. *uses her powers to give the boat a below deck cabin* Whatever you want to decorate your room just ask and I'll teleport it from my dimension. *takes all below deck* That room is for me and 'Nubis and *Anubis and Kale run into the room*
Anubis: You girls share a room.
Celecia: Hey! Let me in! Kora, I think we have a problem. Can you teleport? If you can I have a plan.

Kora: Yeah I can teleport anywhere. You just don't go around the dynasty holding on to a warlord do you?

Riikii: I just didn't go after Anubis cause it's more fun to fight with Marie over Ryo.
Ryo: -__-
Anubis: *might say something if he was there*

Celecia: I follow him anywhere. Ok, here's the plan. When I count to three we teleport into the room and glomp our guys so they can't run away. Sound like a good plan to you?

Kora: Ok, lets go. Sounds great to me. I can get Cale. They will never suspect a thing, hehehehe. This will be great.

Marie: Are you trying to say something, Riikii? *tries to look serious and mad, face turns purple, shoulders began to shake* I can't stand it anymore! *falls out of chair laughing*
Ryo: You're a weirdo, ya know that?
Marie: *Gasp* YES!

CG: *teleports to the boat before the two get away* you can claim a Ronin or warlord but you cannot hog them. Just thought I'b make sure you know. *teleports back to shore*

Celecia: Now! *They both teleport into the room, startling the guys. They both land on the wrong guys. Celecia notices that it aint Anubis* Ehhhh *They switch so that Kora has Cale and Celecia has Anubis*

Kale: Nice mess I think I'll find Ryo or someone to torment. Bye Kora *pushes Kora off*
Kora: OUCH COME BACK HERE YOU BAKA!!! *Kale teleports and Kora follows him*

A booming voice(BV) is heard outside
BV: Princess Celecia Firestorm, come out while you still can!
Celecia: Uh oh
BV: Surrender the crystal and I might not kill you!
Anubis: What's going on?
Celecia: *without answering Anubis' question she runs out on deck* Wise Man!
WiseMan: Princess, Surrender the crystal so I can take over this and every other world!
Celecia: Never! *a bunch of warriors attack Celecia* Not good! Help guys!

Celecia: *Blocking about 500 solider's attacks* Umm... Guys, I could use a little help!!!! *Tries to get their attention by screaming* HHHHHEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!

Riikii: Hey, Celecia, I thought you were a product of the military, not of royalty! >.o *looks at Sailor Moon-like lackeys* And you can't handle THESE guys?? Oi...well, I suppose I could go into my psycho-Sailor identity if you wanted me to...

Celecia: *dodging attacks* It's a long story. I'll tell it to you later. I could handle these guys but, incase you haven't noticed, I'm being attacked by an army and their numbers keep increasing.
Azure: *watching Celecia, munching on popcorn* To help? Or not to help? That is the question. Eh...it couldn't hurt that much. *steals Baka Trooper Tenku's bow (it was just laying around from after the Ryo? post)notches arrow to bow*SHIN...*happy little energy thingies swirl around arrow*
KU...*golden energy collects into one ball and surrounds arrow*
HA!!*arrow is released, streaking through the air with trademark big shockwave energy stuff, wiping out massive amounts of whatever's attacking Celecia, just like it always did to Youja*
Azure: That should help a bit. *goes back to popcorn*

Riikii: *shrug* Okay, but you've been warned.... *pulls out small black daggar* X POWER!*interesting transformation sequence I don't feel like writing outhuman girl with black hair and eyes in monochrome sailor fuku appears* AwRIGHT! The bootie whoopin' crew has arrived! *unsheathes sword and begins frantically beating the shinzit out of every goon near her* Take this, and this, and this! Yeehaa!

Kora: I guess I should turn too.. I hate my identies for sailors.. too many of them friends, General Allaince To POWER! *Kora changes into a General outfit with a dagger instead of her regular sword* If Pain in the butt wants something you gotta do it your self. "Dark Alliance Take there Soul's" *General Alliance throws the dagger taking almost all of the enemy out just leaving a quarter left*
Kale: WOW Remind me never to cross her again.

Riikii: My turn! My turn! Darkness Strike! *dark energy lances from the broadsword and strikes the remaining enemy* Are we done? Good. *glomps Ryo...violently*
Ryo: O_O ACK!
Riikii: *predatory grin* Hi Ryo.
Ryo: *whimper*

Celecia: Now that all the Star Fighters are defeated, who wants to hear my story before he gets the other 99.9% of his army here?

Kora: WHAT???? MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohh well I'll take the story

Riikii: I don't want to listen if it's boring. I just wanna thrash the bakas!
Random person: *hits tiakall* Be nice!
Riikii: Itai! *glares, thrashes random person, returns to possessively glomping Ryo*
Ryo: Okay, I could take Riikii. You are just plain scary.
Riikii: Why thank you. I try. Deadly to my enemies... *predatory smile again*
Ryo: -__-;;

Celecia: Here's the short version. I met a dieing person. Her name was Celecia Firestorm. I was only five at the time. Before the enemy got there to finish her off, she switched bodies with me(kinda) except it was my body with all the wounds in them dying and I got to keep my addons that the military added. I ran away as fast as I could and have been on the run from them ever since. Then I got captures and tourtered to find out where the other Storms were. Aquastorm, Rockstorm, Windstorm, and Soulstorm. Those are their last names. They bust in there, everyone thinking I'm the original Firestorm, to save me. Once we were safe I explianed to them who I was. We each seperated to protect different planets with sentinent beings on it. The Doom Phantom still thinks I'm the escaped princess of the Planet Atlantis II. The other storms say I am because I was chosen by the princess. They are the only living survivors of the planet that I'm aware of. Any questions?

Riikii: That was a boring story. When do we get to whoop some bootie? Where're the bad guys, huh?
Ryo: *escaped* .oO(Whew...)
Riikii: *grabs Ryo* C'mon, boy, get into your armor! We'll kick butt side by side, you and me! Let's get ready to RUMBLE!!
Ryo: .oO(D'OH!)

Celecia: Trust me, you'll have a lot of butt to whop as soon as the other 99.9% of his army gets here. Well maybe not that much since his #s are in the trillions and they all might not fit on this planet.

Azure is strongly reminded of the Sailor Senshi by Celecia's Story, not to mention posting in the third person. Eeesh...sailors at this board....I never thought I'd see the day.

Kora: Ohhh WEll since the ronins seem to be to scared to fight we need Sailor help... *Kora hides*

Celecia: Sailors? Me, remind you of those girls? NEVER! I've been to a board where the sailors, warlords, and ronins live together. It was a battle ground! Kora's been there.

Kora: Still is.... More than ever now we're a team there.

Celecia: See. Setsuna and Shuten run the place. Shuten's not nearly as bad as the one at my board though.

Riikii: Hey, who says Sailors and Ronins can't get along? For your information, in my RPG, Ryo and I get along VEEEEEEERY well.
Ryo: -__- Well, that's him, not me..
Riikii: What. Was. That?!
Ryo: ..........
Riikii: *wicked smile* Thaaaat's what I thought. Anyway, Celecia said she wanted some help in fukus, so here I am! And if you don't like it, you can--*switches to neko-jin mode for a minute* Hey, I warned you she was a psycho! So don't blame me. *back as psycho sailor* So there.

Marie: *Sneaks up behind tiakall and Ryo. Grabs the latter* *Hiding behind a hill--for the time being* Ryo: So, have you ever had to deal with tiakall? Marie: Well, uh, no...*Peeks over hill* Looks like some more goons are coming. Armor up and fight. We have to protect the Dimension. I'll fight between you and Sailor over there.

Riikii: *hears the voices and grabs Ryo back* I don't think so, ya little hussy. C'mon, pyro! Let's take 'em!
((Marie, it's not my fault! I don't think that, it's just psycho girl is rather possessive...-__-))

Celecia: *prepares to fight* Lets kick some asphalt!

Kora: MEN! they're sometimes too afriad to fight. Ohh well *Kora is ready to fight*

Celecia: *jumps into the path of the army and is the first one fighting, using her techniques, is kinking some asphalt*

Riikii: *sweatdrops* Man, no style, no style at all. Watch this, this is how it's done. *withdraws sword and runs through the crowd, comes back and pokes Ryo* Armor. Now.
Ryo: *finally thinks to armor up* But you didn't do anything.
*looks over shoulder and watches goons collapse*
Riikii: Oh?*runs back into battle* YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAA!!

Azure: *looks out at tiakall* Hmmm...maybe I should join the fight. *starts frantically searching the guesthouse for her lost copy of "An Otaku's Guide (especially one short on time) to making Mystical Yoroi*

Celecia: I don't need style, as long as I win the fight! *continues kicking butt, hoping Ashton dosen't decide to pull something while she's distracted*

CG: Hmm, maybe I should ask him to join this place, I mean, we do have 92 rooms left...Ooo, we get to fight! *looks toward the sky* look Rayden, I'm practicing *pulls out her bow and immediately goes into one of her favorite kicking moves* Woo hoo, what a rush!

General Alliance: Ohh boy this is the last time I let anyone be a jerk to me. *Alliance kicks some but* "Dark Alliance Take there Souls" *General Alliance throws her sword that cuts off there heads and takes there souls at the same time*
General Dark Alliance: I thought you said Souls not heads
General Alliance: I DID"

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