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Article - PSV Preview


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Written by Big Dumb Idiot
       Hello, hello, this is Big Dumb Idiot here for my first article. As we 
all know, Pharaoh's Servant has been popping up all around the nation. 
This new set hasn't been officially released yet, but even I have some 
(okay, I only have one card), so someone needs to review it so the 
youngins and newbies can at least know what to play and not to play. What I will do is look at the new monsters, magics, and traps, and pick out some of the better cards that I feel which might change the game of Yu-Gi-Oh.

With PSV, we get some great new effect monsters, as well as some of 
those good old straight up kick ass power. Lets look at some examples:

1. Jinzo
Lv. 6
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Trap Cards cannot be activated. The effects of all face-up Trap Cards are also negated.

Jinzo has got to be the most desired card from Pharaoh's Servant. Since 
it is a secret rare, that drives the desirability through the roof. Not only does it have decent stats (2400/1500 is great for one tribute, it almost rivals Summoned Skulls), but also it has an awesome effect.  Expect to see Jinzo in every deck if a person can get it.

2. Morphing Jar #2
Lv. 3
FLIP: Return all Monster Cards on the field to their respective Decks 
and shuffle them. You and your opponent then pick up cards until you 
both have the same number of Monster Cards (Level 4 or lower) that were returned to each Deck. Special Summon the monsters on the field in 
face-down Defense Position. Any other cards picked up are discarded to the Graveyard.

When I first saw Morphing Jar #2, I thought it was a water-downed 
version of Cyber Jar. But upon further review, it could have so many other 
uses than Cyber Jar. While Cyber Jar is a staple, I don't think all players will accept Morphing Jar #2. This card would definitely fit in any Exodia deck, seeing as this card could drastically thin out the deck to make it easier to draw those precious pieces. 

3. Harpie's Brother
Lv. 4
Winged Beast

Now let's have a look at one of the non-effect monsters, Harpie's 
Brother. It has the same attack as 7 Colored Fish and La Jinn, but lower 
defense. A Sword and Shield would decimate this card, but it would also 
level La Jinn and 7 Colored. Now that this card is out, it might be viable to build a Harpy Lady deck, but not likely. Expect to see it fitting into some beatdowns.

4. Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Lv. 1
Cards needed for fusion:
Relinquished + Thousand-Eyes Idol
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, other monsters 
cannot change their positions or attack. This monster can take on the ATK and DEF of 1 opponent's monster on the field (a face-down monster results in an ATK and DEF of 0). Treat the selected monster as an Equip Magic Card and use it to equip "Thousand-Eyes Restrict". You may use this effect only once per turn and can equip "Thousand-Eyes Restrict" with only 1 monster at a time.

Okay, this card will probably be really popular with the kiddies who 
worship the show. Thousand-Eyes Restrict has an awesome effect, but has some downfalls. The first being it is a fusion, the second being it is 
an ultra rare, as is Relinquished and it's ritual. If you can manage to 
get this guy out, more power to you, but until then I would stay away.

5. Goblin Attack Force
Lv. 4
When this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of 
the Battle Phase. This position cannot be changed during your next 

At first glance, this is an awesome card. With 2300 attack for a level 
four, how can everybody not run 3 of these? Simple, it is an ultra rare 
and its effect. But then again, nothing stopped people (including 
myself) from using Jirai Gumo because of his effect. Expect this card to 
find it's way into most decks.

As far as magic goes in Yu-Gi-Oh, it is usually the deciding factor in games. Pharaoh's Servant is full of some very useful magic cards.

1. The Shallow Grave
Magic Card
Each player takes 1 Monster Card from his/her respective Graveyard and 
Special Summons them on the field in face-down Defense Position.

The first magic card we will look at is The Shallow Grave. It allows 
you to get a monster back, as does your opponent. This card's effect 
reminds me a lot of Spear Cretin, except not as sucky. I could see a 
possible Magician of Faith/Shallow Grave continuous combo so you have a continual defensive wall. This card should be in many a deck.

2. Fairy Meteor Crush
Equip Magic Card
When your monster equipped with this card attacks with an ATK that is 
higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict 
the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Now, most people will look down on this card since it is an equip card, 
but I like it. If it is late in the game and your opponent just 
summoned a monster that is large and in charge and you think your Skull 
Servant is about to be creamed, slap this card down and you might be able to salvage this game. You both take a hit, but it just might be what you need.

3. Monster Recovery
Quick Play Magic Card
Select 1 of your own monsters on your side of the field and combine it 
with your Deck. At the same time, combine your hand and Deck together and shuffle the Deck. Draw the same number of cards that were in your hand from the shuffled Deck.

To me, this would be a really fun card to play. Combo it with Morphing 
Jar to fill up your field with Exodia pieces, then send them back to 
your deck with a decreased deck size. This card could have many different uses with various different decks; expect it to see at least some use.

This is where PSV shines. PSV has the greatest abundance of traps of 
every set released in English.

1. Time Seal
Trap Card
Your opponent skips the Draw Phase of his/her next turn.

In a game like Yu-Gi-Oh where drawing cards is crucial, forcing a player to skip his or her draw phase can mean the game for you. This card will ravage Exodia decks. Even though most decks pack enough cards to 
draw others, Time Seal could at least slow some decks down.

2. Enchanted Javelin
Trap Card
When your opponent's monster attacks, increase your Life Points by the 
attacking monster's ATK points.

Life gaining traps and magic has never been my forte, but this one gets 
my fancy. If your field is empty and your opponent attacks, this card is like Waboku. If you combo it with Waboku, then you actually gain life points. This card should find its way into a good many a deck.

3. Mirror Wall
Continuous Trap Card
Decrease the ATK of all your opponent's attacking monsters by half. You must pay 2000 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.

I cannot wait to get my hands on this card. Sure, 2000 life points each 
standby phase is a lot, but with some new life gaining cards, I could find a way to use Mirror Wall. This card will be popular with the younger,  show-watching crowd, but might find its way into a few other decks as well. The only downside is it could be Heavy Stormed, Mystical Space Typhoon, etc. But so can all those other traps.

4. Appropriate
Continuous Trap Card
You can activate this card when your opponent draws a card outside of 
his/her Draw Phase. Draw 2 cards your Deck.

Since about every deck played has a Pot of Greed or some kind of extra 
card-drawing mechanism, this card can add to it. Since card drawing is 
such a necessity in Yu-Gi-Oh, this card could fit into all sorts of different kinds of decks.

5. Michizure
Trap Card
You can activate this card when your monster is sent from the field to the Graveyard. Destroy 1 monster on the field.

I like this card simply for the reason that it is like a get your opponent back card. But, it can also be used when you destroy a monster. Such as when you tribute a monster for a Summoned Skull, activate this card to clear your opponents side of the field for some Direct Damage. 

I realize that there are bunches more useful monster/magic/trap cards 
in this set that I could review, but I just picked out a few that stood 
out to me. With the way that Pharaoh's Servant is looking, I can't wait 
to get my hands on some.


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Last modified: February 25, 2003