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CotD - Pot of Greed


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Pot of Greed - Magic - LOB
Card Text:  Draw 3 cards from your deck.

Dark JeSTeR97

      Ah, Pot of Greed on of the first and best cards in the game.  Even now with all the new sets being released, this card still belongs in EVERY deck.  That's right, always play this card.  Card drawing is something you want to maximize in this game.  Sure there are counters to this card, with all the magic removal like Cyclone (or "Mystical Space Typhoon"), Magic Jammer, and Heavy Storm, but duelists [play this card right when they draw it so only Magic Jammer truly effects this one.  

     I don't understand why some people don't use this card in their decks.  They claim that it's a waste of space.  An EXTRA card in your hand is never a waste of space.  And because of such usefulness I give this card a 4.8.  Always play it, always.

Rating: 4.8



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Last modified: February 25, 2003