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CotD - White Magical Hat


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White Magical Hat - Monster -  MRD
Effect:  When this card inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points, 1 card must be discarded randomly from your opponent's hand to the Graveyard.

Dark JeSTeR97

       This card is a personal favorite of mine.  The reason?  Hand destruction = lock down.  But, lets first look at the stats.  Hmmm 1000/700.... that's pretty much crap, no bad for an effect monster though.  You aren't gonna take down any BEWDs anytime soon with this mon.  But, what you can do is prevent your opponent from ever playing that card at all.

       The beauty of White Magical Hat lies in its effect of card destruction.  Every you attack your opponent directly with this monster, they lose a RANDOM card for their hand.  That could be the Raigeki your opponent was saving for just the right moment.  Even more, with every direct attack, your opponent loses an option.  They can choose one less card to play.  With such small hand sizes in the game, losing those options can be devastating.

     Of course, WMH is weak, but once coupled with Demon's Axe, this baby is a 4-star, hand destruction monster.  Slap down a Robbin' Goblin', then that's TWO cards for every attack.  Once your opponents hand is gone, their left playing topdeck, not a good thing in any card game.  Put this card in a Discard Deck, otherwise in a Beatdown, the low stats will certainly slow the deck down.  For the lack of versatility, (slow, low stats) but sheer power in its effect, I give this card a 3.5 now, and a 4.25 later when Discard becomes more powerful.  I like this card, at least until Don Zaruug comes out (ATK1400, choose between hand/deck destruction, BAM! I win)

Rating: 3.5



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