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Cotd - Tribute to the Doomed


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Tribute to the Doomed - Magic - MRD
Card Text: Discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy 1 monster card on the field (regardless of position).

Dark JeSTeR97

       This is one of the most versatile cards from Metal Raiders; the big bad brother of Fissure.  But then you say, "Hey, Fissure destroys a monster and so does this card, but this time I have to discard a card from my hand.  That's not much better..."  On the contrary, there is a huge difference, and it is MUCH better, especially with Kanomi's new ruling on Fissure.  This card destroys ANY monster in ANY position.  Fissure can only destroy face up (and now only when there are more mons on the field).  Monster removal at your whim is a huge advantage.  Is there a BEWD on the field?  Gone.  Not sure if it's a Man-Eater Bug?  Gone.  Need one more direct hit to win the game?  You win.  As you can see, very versatile =o).

       All this mon destruction for one measly card from your hand.  Ok, I did stress the point of the importance of having cards in your hand, but in this case its negligible.  Of course, when you have little in your hand and using TttD will not give you a definite advantage, which is why you have to be careful when running this card, which you should.  Awesome magic card, however always be aware of its drawback.

Rating: 4.5



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Last modified: February 25, 2003