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CotD - Robbin' Goblin


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Robbin' Goblin - Trap - MRD
Card Text: Each time 1 of your monsters inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points,
1 card is randomly selected from your opponent's hand and discarded to the

Dark JeSTeR97

       One of the more useable trap cards of Magic Ruler, Robbin' Goblin allows players to discards 1 card from their opponents hand every time they inflict direct damage with a monster.  When used correctly, this card can win the game by forcing their opponents into a lock down and only play by topdeck.  Once you gain the upper hand with this card, the game is easily won with more monsters and more hand destruction.  Once you combo this with White Magical Hat and Axe of Despair, you have one scary monster on your hands.  Of course unless your opponent counters the Trap with a Magic card.  Which leads to the major flaw of this card.  It's a Trap.

       I love Traps, their awesome to surprise the opponent.  But, in this case, the speed of the card is greatly lowered since the card must be first SET for one turn before it can be activated.  This leads it vulnerable to many M/T removal cards like Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Giant Trunade.  In short, Robbin' Goblin is a great card, but is has lost a lot of effectiveness with the release of current sets.  Play it in Hand Destruction decks, it may be to slow to run in other mainstream ones.

Rating: 3.7



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Last modified: February 25, 2003