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CotD - Red-Moon Baby


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Red-Moon Baby - Monster - PSV 



Effect: If this monster destroys a monster, you may Special Summon that monster to your side of the field.

 Dark JeSTeR97 Pros: Cool effect

Cons: Too weak, even with an Axe attached

       Oooo Red-Moon Baby!  Now this is one quirky card.  Every time you destroy your opponents monster with this card, the destroyed mon becomes yours...  Now that's incredible.  However there is a draw back, the stats are terrible.  700atk?  wut the heck is that?  There is a slim chance you can kill anything with that.

       That leads to the next point.  Equipment cards.  This baby screams Axe of Despair.  With a equipment cards, Red-Moon Baby grows into a force to be reckoned with.  The problem?  Even with a Axe on it, Baby only reaches a measley 1700atk, not enough to take out even Axe Raider without problems.  Another problem is that equips aren't the best thing to play in most main stream decks.  If it is played, Baby should run in Maha decks (which aren't that strong to begin with) which run a lot of equipments.

       Baby's 300atk difference from White Hat knocks it down from versatile playability, to so-so just for fun decks.

Rating: 2/5


Fuchikoma NJ

Red-Moon Baby - PSV - Monster
Effect: If this monster destroys a monster, you may Special Summon that monster to your side of the field.

Fuchi again, reporting on another card that can be your saviour or your destroyer. The effect is wonderful, isn't it? After all, nothing like owning your buddy's Dark Magician Girl after he used SO many Cheerful Coffins to pump it, ne?

It's also weaker than anything... Which isn't so bad, really. It's a nice addition to a Maha-based deck, so if you can't get at your Mahas you have something equally cool to slam things on. It's also a good thing for an Undead deck or a Vampire-themed deck, the latter of which I'm currently building, so...

Not much to say, really. Don't shove it in a Beatdown, put it in a Prohibitive or Maha Vailo deck- it'll only slow up beatdown, but shine in the kind of decks you see Mahas and White Thieves in. 1/5 casual duelist, 3/5 hardcore duelist.

Combos well with: Megamorph(on your OPPONENT'S monster to soften it up, mind), Mirror Wall, Equipment PERIOD.

Busted by: Dark Grey(heehee), Mystical Elf in Attack Mode(dwahahah), Spirit of the Harp in attack mode(Heh...), Science Soldiers(okay, this's mean, I'll stop.)
Big Dumb Idiot Red-Moon Baby Dark Zombie/Effect Lv. 3 700/1000 Effect: A monster destroyed by this card can be Special Summoned in face-up Attack or Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase to your side of the field. 

Pros: Like another Monster Reborn Use opponents monsters against him 

Cons: Poor attack and defense 

Oh boy! My first CotD is from the new set, Pharaoh's Servant, goody! Today, we're looking at Red Moon Baby, a 700/1000 Zombie. This card can potentially wreak some havok. If you destroy a monster with that card, you can special summon that monster to your side of the field. At first look, it is like a monster reborn. There is one downside to this card. The stats. This card could be playable, and a lot of people will still play it, but it will be pretty hard to take use of it's effect. But, then again, people said the same thing about White Magical Hat and Masked Sorcerer. Slap some equips down on this guy, and you could be throwing your opponents monsters right back at him. Overall, I would give this card a 7.5/10. It has an awesome effect, but its stats just don't cut it.



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