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CotD - Call of the Haunted


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Call of the Haunted - Trap - PSV

Card Text: Select 1 monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, the summoned monster is destroyed. If the summoned monster is destroyed, this card is also destroyed.

Dark JeSTeR97 Pros:
- Another Monster Reborn  
- Can activate during opponents turn (Battle Phase reset!)

- Slow
- Extremely vulnerable to removal cards

       Call of the Haunted is an excellent trap.  Having another Monster Reborn in your deck is a good thing.  Firs of all, there are some advantages to this card being a trap.  The most noticeable thing is that it can be activated during an opponents turn.  Did your opponent just use Dark Hole?  Then flip CotH and bring back that SS.  Also, resets occur whenever a new monster is summoned to the field and players are not compensated for any costs they paid in order to attack.  Is your opponent attacking with Dark Elf?  Flip CotH to reborn a monster and your opponent just lost 1000 LP for nothing.

       The advantage to this card is also it's downfall.  It's a trap.  Trap = slow.  With so much magic disruption in the game, traps do stay set on the field too long.  You're gonna have to wait a full turn in order to use the effect, and that's if you do want to use it next turn.  Otherwise, it will sit on the field as MST and Heavy Storm bait.  The same goes after the monster has been reborn.  With it suseptable to BOTH magic and monster removal, that baby won't stay on the field too long.

       Awesome card.  The downside doesn't set the score back a significant amount.  An excellent addition to almost any deck.

Rating: 4.5/5

Big Dumb Idiot        Call of the Haunted Continuous Trap 

Effect: Select 1 monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, the summoned monster is destroyed. If the summoned monster is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. 

Pros: Yet another monster reborn can be used continuously Fits with the Hallowenn motif 

Cons: When monster/trap is destroyed, the monster/trap is destroyed as well. Only summon in Attack Position 

       Ok, here we go with our look at our second Pharoah's Servant card. Today's card is Call of the Haunted (laughs like Vincent Price). Its effect lets you special summon monsters to the field in face up attack position. At first look, this looks like an awesome card. But just like yesterday's card, Red-Moon Baby, this card does have it's downfalls. One, like all other traps it can be Magic Jammed, Solemn Judgemented, and all those other goodies. Two, as soon as either the monster or trap is destroyed, the other is destroyed. Since monsters usually only last on the field for a couple of turns, don't expect Call of the Haunted to stay on the field for a long time. Overall, I give the Call of the Haunted a ghoulish 8/10. This card has some awesome potential, but is limited somewhat by its consequences.



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Last modified: February 25, 2003