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CotD - Megamorph


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Megamorph - Magic(Equip) - MRL

Card Text: If you have fewer Life Points than your opponent, double the equipped monster's attack strength.  If you have more Life Points than your opponent, halve the equipped monster's attack strength.  This attack strength modification takes place before all others.

Dark JeSTeR97        One of the BEST equipment cards ever.  There's a reason why this card is (or at least was) restricted to one in Japan.  While it may not seem like much due to it's detrimental effect, this card can go beyond the power of mere Axes or Nuzzlers.

       This card is meant for one hit strikes since it's only effective (for you) when your LP is above your opponents.  Monsters don't stay on the field too long anyways, so it's lack of continued effect is not a significant setback.

       Use this card carefully.  Combo with high attack lv 4 mons like Dark Elf, Jirai, and Goblin Attack.  Don't forget direct damage for Toons and the infamous BEUD-one-turn-kill combo coming up in future sets.  This will be abused mad style in the future.

Rating: 4.0/5

Fuchikoma NJ

       Megamorph... Neh, I don't really like it. I've been cheesed in Japanese environments by the Dark Hole/Cyberstein/Megamorph combo more than is strictly healthy, so I harbor deep enmity.

That is not, however, to say it's a bad card.

It, in fact, schools me regularly. It's a very good card to use against someone, especially in a Toon deck. You'll be at an LP disadvantage, why not use that to do 6000 direct damage? I'd give it a 9/10 as a card, but a 10/10 as an ANNOYANCE. RR. I hate those toonies who use it to do 6000 direct damage. Bob uses it way too often for it to be legal...
Big Dumb Idiot Megamorph 
Equip Magic 
Card Effect: If your Life Points are lower than your opponent's, the original ATK of a monster equipped with this card is doubled. If your Life Points are higher, the original ATk is halved. 

Pros: double your attack 

Cons: equip magic card your Life points must be lower than opponents attack can be halved 

       Let's take a look at a cool card, Megamorph. This card has a lot of different uses and can be comboed with other cards. The good thing about this card is that it doubles one monsters attack value. That is good, but your life points must be lower than your opponents. After one attack with Megamorph in effect, your attack will probably be halved. This card is useful for any monster with 1000 or more attack, if it has less than 1000 attack, just use Axe of Despair. Now, equip cards usually aren't good, but this is the better of them. The only other better one is Axe of Despair. 

       This card has beaten me a number of times, so I have a little bias against it, but I still give it a 7/10. It is useful, but the whole life point thing and that it is an equip sucks.



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Last modified: February 25, 2003