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King Kai's Quadrant

[Gwen] Hello, you have reached "King Kai's Quadrant". I am so relieved you're here, I don't know how much more of King Kai's insanity I could take. *looks around* I hope he didn't hear that, anyways, now it's your turn to hear his corny jokes. Who knows, one of them might actually be funny. Later!

What magic spell turns you
into a Dinosaur?
The Tyrannosaurus Hex!

What do Books carry
when they are not at home?

What has a tail a head but no body?
A Coin.

What is the saddest tree in the World?
A Weeping Willow.

Why do cows wear bells around their necks?
Because their horns are broken!

What creature has more lives than a cat?
A frog because it croaks every night!

Why are Martians green?
Because they forgot to take their travel-sickness bags with them.

Why did the clock break?
It was his time.

What is a "Sound" Sleeper?
Someone who snores.

Why did the Robber take a bath?
So he could make a clean getaway.

Why are ducks so poor?
Because they only have one bill.

[King Kai] *snork* This is one of my Favorites!

Ok, ok,what did the Saiyan say when they were cold?
I'm freezing my tail off here! *falls down from laughter*

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If you have anymore goofy King Kai jokes we can add to our page, send us an e-mail!



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