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Welcome to The Late Show. This weeks Guest is Darkman from Gotenks Net! If you have seen the show, read over the gaming and Anime sections, or maybe even look whats going on in the community! Enjoy.
Anime - Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy. I understand. Bebop? So what is the deal here? Well, in the year 2027 AD, the human race has been forced to leave everything they have and travel to other places. Many people are confused, and others are just plain violent. You can discribe this time as an old western in American history. The anime goes about telling the stories of the friends and enimies of Spike Speigel, the main character, in just 26 episodes. The people are wild and crazy, and have great stories to tell and perform. The people that run the ship Bebop, have been given the name, Cowboy Bebops.

Main Characters

Faye Valentine - Mysterious? Maybe. No one really knows. Her past is as blank as a piece of unlined paper. We do know she was in an accedent, and we do know she tries hard to work with Spike and Jet, even though they do not consider her part of the group. Will we find out more about her past? Watch the anime and see.

Jet Black - Spike and Jet get along well. They are partners on Bebop and Jet plays the role as captain. He also enjoys cooking, therefor is the ships cheif. He has mysterious links to very important people in the universe and also is a bounty hunter like Spike. Not much is know about Jet, except for what he does in present day.

Spike Spiegel - In an earlier time in his life, Spike was a proud member of the Red Dragons, a chinese mofia group. He had principles that meet an average member of a violent group and was trained in many arts including Melee combat. Eventually he wouldn't like who he had become and would change. Once this happened, he tried to be nice, so that he could keep his freedom. He is now a bounty hunter, and he does it for the thrill of adventure, not for the money. Oh, and before we forget, he is probably one of the most comical characters in anime.

Vicious - Like Spike, Vicious was in the Red Dragons gang. And like Spike, Vicious left it. Unlike Spike though, he made his own team and carried out far worse things then the Red Dragons. In fact, his team is responsible for killing the leader of the RD gang. Spike would have grown with Vicious, but one day, Vicious had the idea that Spike was too weak. So he tried, but failed, to kill him. Ever since, they have been enimies.