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InuYasha: Aqua-Awakening

"InuYasha: Aqua-awaken."

The sound of soggy foot steps echoed on the street early morning in modern Japan, Kagome is covered muck and looks upset. She had just gotten in a huge fight with InuYasha.

~I don't know why he gets jealous when Koga flirts with me. I don't really like him; he's just being nice to me. ~

Back from the feudal era, Kagome is home to her warm bed and nice hot bath. She forgets how nice it is at home and how much she missed her mom, grandpa, and Sota. "Hi, I'm home." "Kagome? Welcome home sweetie, I bet you're hungry, I'll fix you something to eat." "Thanks mom, I going to take a hot bath." "See you soon, Honey." The water in the bath tub is steaming hot when Kagome gets in. "Ah…that feels good. After traveling with InuYasha I can get so filthy." Kagome flashes back to her recent adventure with InuYasha and the incident that caused her to come home.

Kagome had sensed a jewel shard in the middle of a lake. "We’re going to need a fishing boat, are there any villages around here?" Kagome asked. "No, but don't worry Kagome I will bring a boat to you by tomorrow." said Koga. "Yeah right, where are you going to get a boat? Steal it?" growled InuYasha. "InuYasha! Koga do your best. I will look for a boat on my own any way though. Okay? I will see you soon." It was obvious this made InuYasha mad; he went off at the same time as Koga to look for a boat.

"Kagome, are you done yet? The food is getting cold and mom thinks your turning into a prune." It was Sota, Kagome had lost track of time and now the bath water was cold. "Coming! Sorry!" yelled Kagome. She quickly got dressed and sat at the family table. "Sorry everyone, I didn't realize how late it was getting." Kagome apologized. "It's alright Kagome, we hardly get to eat with you, were happy to wait." said her mom. "I'm not, let's eat." said Sota "Sota!" yelled mom "Sorry mom." murmured Sota. Dinner was over quickly, then it was time for bed.

~I wonder what InuYasha is doing? I wonder if he's still jealous. ~

The next morning had dawned and Kagome hadn't seen a boat, Koga or InuYasha all night. "I hope nothing's happened to them." said Kagome to Sango "They’re off somewhere competing for a boat. Which ever gets here first with one wins. Some kind of contest they have to impress you." said Sango. Kagome's red face went unnoticed because Miroku arrived and announced, "Kagome, Sango, come quickly, there's a boat on the lake waiting for Kagome." "Miroku? Where did you come from and what boat?" said Sango "No time to explain we need you to find the jewel shard quickly before noon, Kagome." said Miroku. The lake was still and there was no sign of anyone near the boat. "Where is it?" then suddenly both InuYasha and Koga emerged into view from behind a group of trees. "I'm right here Kagome, do you need any help getting into the boat?" said Koga. "Aha, its okay Koga I can get in on my own." said Kagome. "You need to hurry, the boat is too small to carry all of us so Sango and I will wait for you here." said Miroku.

"What a nice night." The sound of the crickets outside of her bedroom window caused Kagome to come back form her memory, "Hum, maybe I should go back?" Kagome goes to her window and looks outside. The wind is blowing gently and the sound of the wind chimes tinkling on the shrine can be heard softly, the shadows in the night are swaying and the trees braches are rustling. "It's too nice tonight to be indoors." She gets dressed and grabs a coat as she heads out side.

Kagome pointed at which direction to head towards and it wasn't too long before they ran into a fish demon with a jewel shard embedded in his fin. It circled the boat and a fight ensued between the demon and everyone. InuYasha and Koga jump overboard to fight the demon before it got too close to the boat. Kagome took out her bow and arrow and aimed it at the water, it had become very still. Suddenly InuYasha surfaced from the lake, "InuYasha where is Koga?" "That damn fish demon dragged him into the deepest part of the lake." said InuYasha. Kagome sensed the shard and shot toward it. Soon the fish demon came into view, the arrow was entrenched deep into the demons fin and he had Koga in his grasps. The demon tossed Koga's lifeless body at the ship. "Bastard!" yelled InuYasha and dove into the lake after the demon.

Kagome stood at her doorway and leaned against the frame. She looked into her front yard and said to herself, "I guess I'll head toward the sacred tree and then come back, I need some air." Kagome stepped out of her house and closed the door behind her. She placed her hands in her coat and shivered, "It's colder out here than I thought."

With a loud splash, Kagome plummets into the freezing lake after a motionless Koga and manages to drag his body into the boat. "Koga? Can you hear me? Oh no, Koga please wake up. Okay…" At that moment Kagome knew what she had to do, she tilted Koga's head and began C.P.R. After a few breathes Koga came back to life, and as he awoke he was shocked to see Kagome kissing him. "Kagome!?!" "Koga, you're alright!" and Kagome embraced him "Please help InuYasha he's down there alone with the demon." Then without another word a red faced Koga dives into the lake to help InuYasha and together they battle the demon again. Koga signals to InuYasha to attack him from both sides. From the boat Kagome can see bubbles rising to the surface, which changes into a pool of blood spreading across the face of the lake and then both InuYasha and Koga appear as well. They return to the shoreline as the sun is setting dripping wet and very tired. From shore, Kagome can see that Miroku and Sango had fixed dinner. "Hi guys, I'm glad you made something to eat, I'm starved." said Kagome. "This isn't for you Kagome" said Miroku. "This is for the man who we borrowed the boat from. Our deal was if the boat wasn't returned by noon we would cook him dinner. Did you catch any fish while you were out on the lake?" "What?!? We were almost killed fighting that demon and you expect us to catch you dinner too?" roared InuYasha. "I didn't mean anything by my words InuYasha. I only thought that since it was you who made the deal and you had taken so long in the first place, you would have brought something back with you. I couldn't have known you would have had so much trouble with this demon." aaid Miroku. Then playfully, InuYasha smirked and added, "Koga couldn't handle that demon, he almost died." InuYasha readied himself for a verbal assault from Koga but none came. "Yes, that's true." said Koga softly. Then everyone turned their attention to Koga "I did almost die out on that lake" then a twisted smile spread across Koga's face, "but I was saved by the lips of my beloved Kagome." Everyone swiftly stared at Kagome, "Is that true?!?" barks InuYasha in Kagome's face. "Yes it is! I was giving him C.P.R! He was dying!" shouted Kagome. Then she suddenly turned around and said "I am wet, dirty, hungry and going home."

The chilly night air slowly brought Kagome back from her thought, she absent mindedly said, "Ah, it's bitter out here."

~Like InuYasha. ~

Kagome reached the scarred tree before she had realized it; in fact she almost crashed into it. "Kagome look out." it was InuYasha. "InuYasha?!? What are you doing here?" said Kagome "I am here for you Kagome. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you for saving Koga's life. Will you come back?" said InuYasha. "InuYasha…I don't know yet." said Kagome. InuYasha was stunned by this response. He looked toward Kagome and his ears suddenly drooped. The hum of the wind blowing as softly as it was before is the only sound heard, which echoed Kagome's last words in the air. Kagome begins to shiver again, "I think I should go inside now." she said. As Kagome turned toward her home InuYasha clutches her hand, "Kagome," then he holds her close. "If you're leaving because your cold, I'll keep you warm." he says. "InuYasha…" "Kagome, I was upset to hear that you kissed Koga." "InuYasha, I did it to save his life." "I know, but it still disturbed me." InuYasha embraces Kagome tightly and stokes her head gently smoothing the hair away from her face. All that Kagome can hear now is InuYasha's heart. He looks into her eyes and says, "I want you to come back with me. I need you." InuYasha feels Kagome shiver again in his arms. "Are you still cold?" he says. "A little, I really think I should go." whispers Kagome. InuYasha holds her even tighter then Kagome closes her eyes, holds her breath and places her head on InuYasha's shoulder. "I love you Kagome." "I love you too InuYasha." The end.

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InuYasha is copyrighted © Rumiko Takahashi

InuYasha: Four Souls of the Shikon is copyrighted © Makino Yushiro 2003-2005 All Rights Reserved.