Please read these questions before e-mailing me, I'm pretty sure most of your questions can be answered here. This way it saves your time and mine. ^^ If you have read all of these questions and you still can't find an answer to your question, then e-mail me at: Makino_Yushiro@hotmail.com
Website Related Questions
Q: Why is your site called "Four Souls of the Shikon"? It makes no sense, doesn't Shikon mean Four Souls?
A: I am well aware of what Shikon means. I don't need someone who thinks they know everything about Inuyasha and Japanese to tell me what my site means. I know my Japanese Inuyasha vocabulary and I know some Japanese so I am well aware of what my site means. If you think you know so much about Inuyasha then you would've known exactly what my site name means. In episode 26, it is explained that the Shikon no Tama is composed of four different souls, these include: Arami Tama (Courage), Nikimi Tama (Friendship), Fushigi Tama (Wisdom), and Sakimi Tama (Love). This is what my site's name "Foul Souls of the Shikon" is referring to. Shikon no Tama is shorten to just Shikon which is often understood amongst the Japanese viewers. Please, for those who are quick to jump to conclusions and critize, do your research before making fools of yourselves in the future.
Download Questions
Q: Why can't I download some of the mp3s/clips?
A: The problem could be excess bandwidth usage, if this the case, try again in a couple hours. Another possibility is that the server I host it on has removed the files I hosted there, unfortunately, I am not able to find another host yet.
Q:I can't download , can you please send me through e-mail or IM?
A: The answer, is no. I do not run a request site and I don't have the time to send anybody files through any means. If you wish to find a certain file you can't download here, try a download program such as Kazaa or Bearshare.
Q: Can you put up episodes for download?
A: The answer is no. This is a free site, I do not have that kind of space or bandwidth to host episodes. If you wish to donate to me for me to buy space and bandwidth, then I will put up episodes.
Q: Can you put up for download?
A: What is this site? A request site? No, I will not take requests. What is here is what you get. This is a free site, I do not have to put these mp3s up, but I am from the goodness of my own heart, so don't expect too much.
Spelling Questions
Q: Why did you spell "Tetsusaiga" as "Tessaiga"?
A: The infamous Tetsusaiga and Tessaiga spelling conflict in the world on Inuyasha. Many english viewers of the show, readers of the viz manga and english games players may be exposed to the spelling of Tetsusaiga, however, that spelling is incorrect. Tessaiga is the correct spelling which is the romanji spelling of it's original japanese Kanji spelling. There is no real reason or explanation as to why they changed it to Tetsusaiga in english, my only explanation is proabably of the pronounciation in Japanese, but rest assured, it is definitely spelled Tessaiga.
Q: Why did you spelled "Kikyo" as "Kikyou", "Sesshomaru" as "Sesshoumaru", "Shippo" as "Shippou", "Kilala" as "Kirara"?
A: All the content on this is based on the Japanese version, so spelling of the names is no exception. It really makes me angry that the english version would jsut leave out a letter or change the spelling completely of a name. By changing even one single letter, in Japanese it would have a completely different meaning. For example: Shippou in kanji is written as "Seven Treasures", but by taking out the 'u' in Shippou, Shippo means "Tail" in Japanese. My only explanation as to why the english version decide to remove the 'u' is proabably made spelling since the people at viz was taught by their mommies never to place to vowels next to each other. As for "Kilala", this has to be the worse name change ever. They change the "r" to "l" proabably because the Japanese pronounce the "r" sound fast which has a bit of an "r" and "l" sound.
Misc. Questions
Q: What does FAQ stand for?
A: FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your name?
A: This is a no brainer, my name is Makino! Nice to meet you all! ^^ If you wish to know more about me, Click Here
Q: Can I add you to my contacts on MSN?
A: Yes, you may at Webmaster_Makino@hotmail.com. Although I prefer an e-mail about you before hand. Also, if you are adding me just to ask for files to be sent to you or be rude, don't bother adding me.
Q: What language do you speak?
A: I can speak and understand a variety of languages, but i prefer to speak english the most, so please speak to me in english as well.
Sorry no music yet