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Inuyasha’s Life and Kagome’s Death

"Inuyasha’s Life and Kagome’s Death"

Inuyasha’s Life and Kagome’s Death

By Samansa-chan

“No! INUYASHA!!!” screamed Kagome, “No, you can’t die, just hold on.” She ran to kneel beside his unmoving body. “I’m here now, everything’s gonna be alright.” She lifted his head and cradled it gently in her soaking arms. He lifted his head and looked into her loving eyes, for once in his life he truly felt safe. ‘I…. I-I love… you………. …Kagome,” Inuyasha whispered, breathing heavily. Tears swelled in Kagome’s eyes. “I love you too,” she replied. He smiled weakly, and then rested his head on to her wet lap. His body became lifeless. She lifted his upper body and held it close to her. Her tears silently slid from her eye unto his still warm cheek. That was the last time she’d ever look into his golden eyes.

Kagome raised her head and with great effort looked around through the rain and her own tears. She could barely see the torn bodies of her friends, but they were there. *Why did this happen? * She watched Koga’s corpse lay motionless on the ground. *I hope he suffered* She thought about what she had just said. She did feel sorry for him, it wasn’t entirely his doing. * Koga… Sango… Miroku…Kirrara… Shippo… Inuyasha (she looked down to her beloved and held his body tighter)…none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for Kikyo...* Kagome’s face twisted with disgust. * Kikyo... It all began with her…*



The day began like any other, with Inuyasha freaking out on Shippo. “Owwwwww!” wailed the little kitsune, “What did I? What did I say?” Inuyasha merely held his fists clutched and growled. Miroku bent down and whispered in his ear, “If you don’t want to be on the receiving end of Inuyasha’s wrath, I suggest that you don’t mention Kikyo.” Inuyasha turned and walked away. Kagome, Koga, Miroku, Sango, Kirara, and Shippo, silently began to follow him. They stared at him, he no longer seemed angry but instead gazed aloof into the sky. * He’s thinking of her, again. * Kagome thought. * He’s thinking of Kikyo. * Tears of sadness traced her eyes as she watched him. She was secretly trying to catch his eye to try to take his mind off Kikyo. She obviously did because Inuyasha turned to her. “WHAT?!” he yelled. He noticed the sorrow in her stare, and began to feel bad for yelling. He turned back and returned to his thoughts. Kagome turned away as well, blushing because of being caught staring. Koga was about to say something but Miroku stopped him.

The moment of awkward silence was thankfully broken by Shippo’s cheerful order to continue moving. No one really talked or made any noise and they quietly continued the journey, well, except the scream from Sango when Miroku ‘accidentally’ touched her butt. Then Shippo started to happily chat away about anything and everything. “Ya know what, I think … ( Shippo’s stomach growled) I think I’m hungry ” Shippo said. “Yes, we should stop soon, it is beginning to get late.” Miroku replied to Shippo, looking to the slowly setting sun. Shippo and Miroku’s conversation continued about where they should stop. Then Koga joined in, “ I don’t think that place would be suitable for Kagome.”

Kagome’s mind drifted from them to Inuyasha. * I wonder if he’s still thinking about Kikyo * She looked back to see if he was okay. He still walked with his eyes lifted to the sky. * Oh, he is * She dropped behind the others so she could be alongside Inuyasha. They walked wordlessly. He knew she was there but delayed to acknowledge her. So, she just walked with her eyes shifted to her feet. He looked over to her, only for a moment, then moved his eyes back to the setting sky.

Up ahead, Sango realized how far behind Kagome and Inuyasha had fallen. She turned in their direction but before she could call for them to catch up Miroku placed his hand over her mouth. “Shh. I think it best if we give them some ‘alone time’,” he said calmly, removing his hand from her face. She turned to him and nodded in agreement. She collected Shippo and Kirara and went in search of a place to stay the night. After shouting some rude comment, which sounded much like “stupid mutt-face”, and struggling, Koga was grabbed by the tail and dragged by Miroku in Sango’s direction.

The quiet tension was driving Kagome crazy. * I should just tell him * she argued with herself. * I know I love him…but he loves Kikyo, and I can’t measure up to her * Teardrops began to form in the corner of her eyes. * Why doesn’t he realise that I love him, me, Kagome. Not Kikyo.* Inuyasha looked down to see a tear slide down her pale cheek. How beautiful she looked. He wanted to wipe the tear away, he couldn’t bear to see her sad. His body and mind argued over wither he should or not, a second tear started to fall.

A calm finger gently pushed the tear away. Kagome looked up to see Inuyasha staring at her. His eyes were soft with inviting warmth. She paused, then blushed when she realised how stupid she must have looked crying. Turning away, Kagome wiped the rest of the tears from her face. “I-I’m sorry,” she apologized, refusing to look at him. “For what?” His reply shocked her, he sounded almost understanding. “For crying,” she said foolishly, still looking away. * Great, Kagome, just great! Now you look like even more of a baby. Why are you still crying? *

“It’s okay.” He pulled her into his arms. How right she felt, being held so tightly by him. “I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you…” He whispered to her, “ again.” She melted and gave into his strong hold. She smiled peacefully, but then she realized what he had said. * Again? What did he mean ‘again’? Was he talking about me or… Kikyo? * She pulled herself from his embrace. Kagome stood back and gazed deeply into his gold coloured eyes. She saw so much; sadness, anger, hatred, many sad things from his treatment from others, but she also saw hope, faith, love. Love, for whom? Was it for her or did Kikyo still hold all his heart. Her gaze intensified as she dug farther into his heart. * There must be some love in his heart for me* She could faintly see a light; it was small but there. She continued to search deeper… deeper…

“WHAT?!” Inuyasha growled, breaking Kagome’s intense concentration. He was back to his regular self- grouchy. * Well…* Kagome thought with annoyance, * that was a pleasant change. Too bad. * “Nothing…” Kagome began but was interrupted by the rustle of a near by bush. “Eeek!” Kagome screamed. She jumped behind Inuyasha for protection. Rustle rustle. Inuyasha placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. Rustle rustle. It drew closer; they readied themselves for whatever it was. The something leapt from behind the bushes, Kagome screamed, and Inuyasha raised the Tetsusaiga to shield Kagome and himself. It was- -

“Koga?” asked Kagome in disbelief. “What the hell’s your problem? Why did you follow us? How long were you standing there?” Inuyasha angrily piled him with questions, turning a reddish-pink. “I came to protect Kagome cause I know that a wimpy mutt like you couldn’t!” Koga and Inuyasha began to argue. Kagome could do nothing but sit there and watch.


Not far, from their unfolding soap opera, sat a figure accompanied by a dozen soul collectors. * Look at them, bickering like idiots over that girl * She watched Inuyasha and Koga continue to argue over Kagome. Then Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and dragged her in their camp’s direction, Koga started to follow. “I will get you back Inuyasha, my love. Once that girl is out of the way, I shall bring you to hell with me and we shall be together forever.” She said, lovingly stroking one of her near by soul gatherers. She fell silent and stared at the spot that Inuyasha and Kagome once were. Only Koga was there now, she stared at him as idea began to form in her head. * And this Koga will make all my plans succeed …*


“ Inuyasha! Wait up! I can’t run as fast as you.” Kagome panted as Inuyasha pulled her behind him. He stopped at her request. She dropped onto her knees and tried to catch her breath. “See, the camp is just ahead. Please, can’t we just walk the rest of the way?” Inuyasha grunted and mumbled something about how weak she was. They continued, walking, to the camp. Inuyasha grumbled all the way, thankfully it was only a short distance.

As they came closer, Kagome could hear Miroku telling Shippo a spooky story. It must have been a really scary story because Shippo jumped really high when they entered the camp, even Miroku and Sango jumped. “Kagome! You’re back!” He shouted, relived, as he jumped into her arms. “Hey, Shippo.” She replied. “We were worried… well, I wasn’t cause you were with Inuyasha and he likes you to much to let any thing happen to you…” SMACK! “Oww, oww, oww, oww. Owww! That hurt! What did I do this time?” cried Shippo at Inuyasha’s blow. “Why don’t you try keeping your mouth shut?!” Inuyasha growled at him. “Kagomeee!” He cried as Inuyasha readied for another attack.

“Where’s Koga?” Miroku asked, turning everyone’s attention away from Inuyasha and Shippo. “Feh! Who knows, who cares? As long as that skinny, hairy wolf-boy isn’t here.” Still, Inuyasha’s answer didn’t stop everyone from continuing to worry. All of them, except Inuyasha, began to look around for him. They decided to look in pairs because it was getting dark. Sango was getting ready to go with Kirrara but Shippo pleaded with her. “Please, trade me buddies…I don’t trust that hentai.” Wither it was Shippo’s cute face or he was annoying her, Sango agreed to go with Miroku. “But I’m warning you lech…” she said to him as they wandered off to begin searching. Almost immediately after leaving, they heard Sango screaming, followed by a loud slap. “He’ll never learn.” said Inuyasha shaking his head. Shippo left happily with Kirrara. Kagome left as well, and Inuyasha followed her.

“You shouldn’t be so hard on him,” protested Kagome. “He’s not that bad.” “What do you mean by that?” He spitefully asked. “Well…” Kagome began, already staring to blush, “He’s always been gentle with me… and-and he’s always concerned about me...” She trailed off because Inuyasha’s anger had risen. He turned and walked away. “Fine, go and find your precious wolf-boy, see if I care.” He shouted to her as he disappeared into the surrounding forest. “Fine! I will!” She shouted after him. * Grrr! I hate it when he’s like that! He’s such a jerk! * She felt bad for what she said. * I shouldn’t feel bad, I mean it’s true *


The sun was beginning to set. Koga was slowly walking back to camp. “I’ll teach that stupid mutt. Kagome’s my woman…” The nearby rustle of leaves stopped Koga dead in his tracks. “Whose there?” he shouted, “Show yourself!” The noise came from behind. He wheeled around to face his attacker, and readied himself. Slowly a woman appeared from behind the trees. Koga didn’t expect to see a woman, especially way out in the middle of a forest. He dropped his guard, and eyed her suspiciously. “Who are you?” he asked, “And what are you doing way out here?” She replied, her voice calm, “My name is Kikyo.” She pause for a moment, then continued in the same tone, “and I’m looking for you.” Her words startled him, “For me? Why?” “It is true that you despise Inuyasha as well. Am I right?” He eyed her suspiciously, “What does it matter to you?” A sly smile spread across her face, and she laughed.


Back at the camp, everyone was coming back. “Did you find him?” Sango asked Kagome. “ No,” she answered, “how bout you Shippo?” He shook his head, “No, Kagome. Sorry.” “I wonder where he is,” Kagome said, sitting down by the fire, “It’s been hours.” “Hopefully he’s dead,” Inuyasha growled as he sat down beside her. * Why are you always so inconsiderate? * Kagome thought, glaring at him. “WHAT?!” Inuyasha said confused. Suddenly a piercing scream filled the air. “Koga,” Kagome breathed. It came from deep in the forest. Everyone rushed toward the sound of the battle, Miroku and Sango took Shippo on Kirrara, while Kagome went with Inuyasha. They ran far ahead of the others.* I hope we’re not too late * Kagome thought as she turned her head to shield her eyes from the wind.

“I smell youkai, ” said Inuyasha as they drew closer to a clearing. He was right, in the middle of a large clearing lay a mountainous sized demon. It lay dead; blood dripped off it into the pool of blood it lay in. Kagome slid of Inuyasha’s back, and stood there shocked at the horrid site before her. She looked around. * What’s happened? Where’s Koga? * “Koga! Koga!” she yelled to him, “Where are you?”

“I’m here Kagome” Koga called back to her from onto of the huge demon, there was something different in his voice, if they hadn’t seen him they would have though it was someone else. They just decide to pass it off as nothing. “Thank goodness,” Kagome sighed. “Too bad” Inuyasha complained. Kagome glared at Inuyasha while calling for Koga to come down. She turned away from Inuyasha when she realized he hadn’t come down. * What’s wrong? Why hasn’t he come down yet? * “Koga, are you coming?” she asked, looking up at him this time.

Koga’s face spread into a strange smile as he looked down at her. * Something’s wrong * “Come on Koga,” Kagome said, almost pleading. She paused and still he didn’t budge. * Something’s defiantly wrong * Kagome could feel something she hadn’t before. It was a jewel shard, but Koga was more important right now. “Inuyasha, something’s wrong with Koga,” she whispered to him. She was getting worried. “ Inuyasha do something.” “ Like what?” Before Inuyasha could continue, an angry yell cut the air. Next thing he knew Koga was headed straight for him.

Inuyasha barely had time to draw Tetsusaiga from its sheath. He managed to dodge Koga’s hit, with little more than a scratch. “Koga! What are you doing?” Kagome yelled at him, “Stop it! Koga!” His assault on Inuyasha didn’t lighten up the least bit; in fact, he attacked again, even harder than before. This time Inuyasha withdrew the Tetsusaiga, and blocked Koga’s strike. His strength was like nothing Inuyasha had see before, there was something strange about Koga’s new strength. Koga continued to attack, and Inuyasha continued to avoid his blows.

*What? Koga’s so strong. How did he become so powerful so quickly?* Then it came to her, the core to Koga’s power had to be the jewel shards she sensed. She looked at Inuyasha and Koga fighting. She could even see them; one in each arm and leg. Why hadn’t she noticed before? “ Inuyasha! He’s got jewel shards in his arms and legs!” Kagome shouted. Both Koga and Inuyasha glanced over at her. “What?” Inuyasha growled. Koga took advantage of Inuyasha’s inattentiveness and landed a heavy blow to his chest. Inuyasha was knocked back but was able to steady his self. Koga came running after him. Inuyasha backed up; he could only defend against Koga’s hits.

*Where did he get the shards?* Kagome asked herself, * No, I can’t worry about that right now, I have to help Inuyasha, but how? * She remembered she had her bow and arrows. * But I can’t hit him with my arrow, that would kill him.* She looked around, trying to find something that might help. Just then, Kirrara leapt through the trees. Then Miroku, Sango, and Shippo slid off and ran to Kagome’s side. “What’s happening?” asked Sango, “Why is Koga attacking Inuyasha?” Kagome quickly filled Miroku and Sango in on what happened. She told them about how the found Koga on top of the demon, how he attacked Inuyasha, and about the jewel shards. “I need your help, I don’t know what to do.” Sango hopped onto Kirrara. “Kagome, you and Shippo find a place to hid. We’ll stop Koga and Inuyasha.” She helped Miroku on and they took off. “Come on, Shippo,” Kagome said as she grabbed him. They ran and hid behind the nearby trees.

Sango and Miroku managed to distract Koga for a moment. It was all Inuyasha needed to get up and prepare to fight. “Run Inuyasha, get out of here,” Miroku yelled at him. “Heh. No, I’m gonna make him sorry he ever met me.” Inuyasha replied to Miroku’s demand. “I’d like to see you try,” Koga challenged. Inuyasha charged at Koga. It was his turn to be on the attack instead of the defence. Inuyasha swung his blade wildly, Koga easily dodged each attempt. “I thought you were gonna make me sorry, you can’t even touch me,” Koga laughed. “If you’d stop running and face me like a man,” Inuyasha called back. “Alright,” Koga said plainly. He jumped back from Inuyasha. He just stood there, smiling. He let out a long, chilling howl. “What the hell are you doing?” Inuyasha asked angrily. Koga only smiled, staring intensely at Inuyasha.

Many howls cried out in reply, and from behind Koga, many wolves came from the forest. “What? Do you need help already?” Inuyasha retorted. “Heh. No, there here to play with your friends,” said Koga with a grin. “Kagome” Inuyasha said softly, he looked in her direction. She looked terrified, curled up with Shippo behind the tree. “ Bastard! You won’t hurt my friends! And stay the hell way from Kagome!” he yelled as he attacked again. “Heh. Do you really think I’d let them hurt my woman?” Koga ran to meet him head on. The wolves went after Sango, Miroku and Kirrara.

Sango attacked with her boomerang. She killed four with one shot, but it didn’t make any difference. Miroku beat them off with his staff. That didn’t help either. “There’s too many, we can’t kill them fast enough,” he told her as he hit another, “Damn him.” “Eeek!” Kagome screamed as a couple of wolves chased her and Shippo up a nearby tree. She tried to beat them away using her bow, but it wasn’t working very well. “Kagome. Kirrara, go take Kagome and Shippo to safety,” Sango ordered. Kirrara was reluctant to leave but did as she was told. She left Sango and Miroku to fight for themselves.

Back at the tree, Shippo was crying, “Kagomeee, please, don’t get to close.” “It’s alright, Shippo, I’ve got it…Ahh!” Kagome screamed as she began to fall from the tree. Kirrara arrived just in time to scoop her up before she fell onto the wolf-infested ground. “Thank you, Kirrara,” Kagome said was Kirrara placed her onto a higher branch, “ But you should be helping Sango and Miroku.” Kirrara nodded anxiously. “Go to them, we’ll be fine.” But Kirrara refused to disobey her master’s orders.

From there, Kagome could see Inuyasha and Koga’s fight. Neither looked tired or ready to give up. * Oh, Inuyasha * Kagome began to worry. A warm drop on her nose startled her. * Rain? * The one-drop instantly turned into thousands. “Oh no! It’s raining! Quick, Kagome get down closer to the shelter of the tree,” Shippo cried. Kagome refused to sit down. “Come on, Kagome!” Shippo said as he struggled to pull her down. She finally sat down and begun to curl up with Shippo and Kirrara. A cry made her jump up to see what had happened.

* Inuyasha! * Koga had hit him, sending him flying. He landed hard, but managed to climb to his feet. “Kagome, get back down here,” the little kitsune commanded. She wanted to but she was frozen to the spot. She had to make sure Inuyasha was alright. There came a sudden cry from Sango and Miroku’s direction.

“Miroku!” yelled Sango. He had been bitten by one of Koga’s wolves. “Sango!” he cried. His wound was bad, really bad. Sango beat her way to him. “Miroku, it’s alright, I’m here. You’re gonna be fine.” She kneeled by his side and took his hand. “I guess it’s over,” he said. “Don’t be silly, it’s only begun,” she replied. He smiled. He had a nice smile, she only just realized it. “ If you just hold on I’ll- - I’ll- - I’ll bear your children,” she said. “Heh,” he laughed. “I- I really loved you.” His body went limp. “No! Miroku! Don’t leave me!” Tears formed in Sango’s eyes. “Don’t leave me, I love you.” She sat there, the wolves closed in on her. She let his hand go and stood up.

“You bastards!” she screamed at the wolves, tears streaming down her face, “I’ll kill each and everyone of you!” She attacked them with all her strength. They covered her quickly, until they could not longer see her. Kirrara, seeing her master’s pain, sprang from the trees to aid her. They fought boldly, but the wolves over took them both, there was nothing they could do. * No… Sango, Miroku, Kirrara…Don’t go * Tears sprung from Kagome’s eyes. “Sango! Miroku! Kirrara!” she screamed to them, but they didn’t answer, and they never would. She looked to Shippo with tear-filled eyes, he looked up to her with watery eyes as well.

She picked him up, he shook; shook from sadness, and anger at their friends’ downfall. * This can’t be. Not Sango and Miroku. Not their friends * Shippo couldn’t take it, “They’re not dead, they can’t be.” “No Shippo, stay here.” She told him as he struggled. He ran out of Kagome’s embrace, down the tree to their bodies. She clumsily followed. ‘Shippo come back!” she yelled after him. But it was too late, one of the wolves caught him and dragged him off. “Kagomeee!” he screamed to her. She chased after the wolves as they left. The ground had become mud and she just slid around. “Shippo!” she screamed as she fell in the mud. The wolves were now to far ahead. She lay on the ground, crying, angry at her self. * How could you let this happen. Poor Shippo… its all your fault! * Someone screamed in pain. She turned her head to see Koga stood above Inuyasha’s crumpled body.

“Inuyasha! INUYASHA!” She had no choice, she wouldn’t let Koga get way with this. She drew an arrow from her quiver; she fitted the arrow into the bow. She pulled the tight string. She drew it back farther than it’s ever been. “ Koga! This is for Sango, Miroku, Kirrara, and Shippo. I will not let you kill Inuyasha too!” she cried, her voice hoarse from crying. She released her firm hold. The arrow whooshed through the rain, and wind, and Koga’s flesh.



She now kneeled at Inuyasha’s lifeless body, weeping. * How could I lose him? I love him so much… How could I continue without him? * Kagome heard footsteps coming toward her. She looked up. The shadowy figure of a woman drew closer. * Kikyo * Kagome looked up at her with sorrow and horror, her face twisted with surprise. “You…” Kagome whispered, as she trembled with fear and hatred. Kikyo made her way toward Kagome. She picked up her discarded bow and an arrow. She drew the string. Kikyo smiled slyly, “Me...”

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InuYasha: Four Souls of the Shikon is copyrighted © Makino Yushiro 2003-2005 All Rights Reserved.