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Updates from February 2004- April 2004

April 27th 2004~ I added a new mp3 to the Mp3 Section, its the TV version of the newest ending called: Brand New World. I don't know who the artist is, but it sounds like Tackey and Tsubasa. If you liked One Day, One Dream or Sotsugyou ~ Sayonara wa Ashita no Tameni, you will definitely like Brand New World. So enjoy, happy downloadings!

Updated By: Makino

April 19th 2004~ Change the World and My Will clips are back online, enjoy!

Updated By:Makino

April 19th 2004~ Wow its been exactly one month since I updated, I should be able to update more often now, hopefully. Anyways, many things happened while I was away not updating the site, thanks to a genourous fan, I was informed a few things on the site has been offline, this includes:

Come- Full version Mp3

The Second movie screenshots

Change the World- Clip

My Will- Clip

I can get The 2 clips up and running very soon, hopefully by tonight, but I can't promise when I will be able to get Come and the Screenshots back up. I just hope its soon. Anyways, I added some fanart before, but I didn't make an update here, also I've recieved some wallpapers and I'll try to put them up soon. On another note, I'll be opening an FAQ page, many people have been sending me e-mails, but most of them are regarding the same thing and its killing my account, so in the future I suggest you read the FAQ before e-mailing me.

Also, it looks to me that YTV will be having re-runs of InuYasha from now on, I don't know when they will show new episodes, just pray its soon.

Updated By: Makino

March 19th 2004~ I apologize that my update has been delayed. However, I did make a decent update today, first off, 3 new fanart has been added, all by Bianca. These are great pics and I suggest you check them out! ^^

Second update, a new fanfic for all of you to read, entitled: InuYasha's life and Kagome's death by the talented Samansa-chan.

2 new links have been added to the "Links" section, check out those awesome sites!

Finally, I changed the Quote of the Week, and I might be changing "Quote of the Week" to "Quote of the Month", feel free to give any comments on the change, like it or don't like, I'll base the change on all of your suggestions.

That will be it for now.

"That man, Suikotsu, his heart is pure and free of darkness, but.. is there such a man in this world?"~Kikyou

Updated By: Makino

March 12th 2004~ I apologize for the delay, I've been busy with school work, but anyways, I changed the Quote of the Week and here is the list of episodes on YTV tonight at 10:

Episode 45: Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin

Episode 46: Juromaru and Kageromaru

Also, the first season of InuYasha will be ending on April 2nd on YTV, from that point on, it will be all reruns and there is no telling when new episodes will be airing.

Also, I'll be adding some new fanart and links sometime this week, so look forward to it!

"Once the red line of fate has been broken, it can never be rejoined again.."~Kikyou

Updated By: Makino

March 1st 2004~ Ok, as promised, I added all the stuff that I said I would from my last update, which includes:

Four Seasons- 3rd Movie theme Mp3 (in Mp3 section)

One Day One Dream- 5th Opening Mp3 (in Mp3 section)

Fukai Mori- 2nd Ending Clip (In clips section)

2 new fanarts (In Fans -> Fanart section)

Also, I've changed the Quote of the Week and now for this week's episodes of InuYasha on YTV:

Episode 43- Tetsusaiga Breaks

Episode 44- Kanjinbo's Possessed Sword


Ok, that is it for today, enjoy!

"If only you mind your own business and not stick your nose where it didn't belong.. you wouldn't have ended up dead..."~Kikyou

Updated By: Makino

Feb 28th 2004~ I am back from hiatus. I apologize for not updating for awhile, I'll have a formal update on Monday, during that time I will be adding the following:

Four Seasons- InuYasha 3rd Movie Theme mp3

One Day One Dream- 5th Opening Full Version mp3

Fukai Mori- 2nd Ending Clip

Couple of new fanarts

All of those should be up on Monday, if everything goes well, so look forward to it!

Updated By: Makino

Feb 16th 2004~ As of today, this site will be on hiatus, therefore, there will be no more updates until further notice.

Updated By: Makino

Feb 13th 2004~I updated the Quote of the Week and now for this week's episodes of InuYasha on YTV:

Episode 37- The Man Who Fell in Love With Kagome

Episode 38- Two Hearts, One Mind

That will be all for today!

"I'll let Kohaku live forever.. as long as you bring me the Tessaiga. Just remember, Kohaku's fate is in my hands now..."~Naraku

Updated By: Makino

Feb 5th 2004~I changed the Quote of the Week, and now for tomorrow's episodes of InuYasha on YTV:

Episode 35- The True Owner of the Great Sword

Episode 36- Kagome Kidnapped by Koga, the Wolf Demon

Also, note that tomorrow on YTV will begin the second season of InuYasha, meaning "Change the World" opening will be replaced by "I Am", so enjoy!

"Let's forget about the past. We can start over from the beginning, begin a new life together, in the world of the dead.."~Kikyou

Updated By: Makino

InuYasha is copyrighted © Rumiko Takahashi

InuYasha: Four Souls of the Shikon is copyrighted © Makino Yushiro 2003-2005 All Rights Reserved.