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Updates from May-July

July 31st 2003~I've changed a few things around here, first I moved "About Me" section to the "Misc" section and combined the "Quizzes" and "Polls" section into one. On another note, I'm using SSI (Server Side Includes) which will make updating this site alot easier. I'll try and complete the character section as soon as i can.

Updated By: Makino

July 29th 2003~Nothing special today, just updated the credits page, check it out!

Updated by: Makino

July 28th 2003~ I've changed the quote of the week and the monthly poll for August, I found some english mp3s for the series, but since this site is based on the japanese version, the question is: Should there be any english mp3s on the site? You decide, check it out!

"Is this the Kikyo who hates me? or is it the Kikyo that tried to kill Kagome? More importantly, where is MY Kikyo?.."~Inu-Yasha

Updated by: Makino

July 24th 2003~Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been working on the Character Profiles lately and so far i've got coup[le of them done, but I'm posting them a bit later when i have most of them completed, for today I've changed the quote of the week. My next update will be the profiles which will take me around 2 weeks of so maybe earlier. Later

Updated by: Makino

July 15th 2003~I've updated the quote of the week.. you won't believe all the things i had to go through to find it.. anyways thats about it for updates today, maybe more within the week~Makino

July 10th 2003~The Polls section is now up, I think i will change the poll question monthly or depending on how many votes there are. The question for this month is: "Is it spelled Shippo or Shippou?" I decided to post this question because I've seen in spelled both ways and I want to see which one is the one used most frequent by Inu-Yasha fans like yourselves.~Makino

July 8th 2003~I manage to find most of the pics for the characters page, and it seems to be going quite well, I think finishing the characters page will get easier now.. hopefully. Also i added some music on each page, that you can listen to without downloading it. Note that these midis are different from those in the MP3 section, these have no lyrics, its only music not songs.~Makino

July 5th 2003~Sorry for the delay of updates, my computer got messed and I just got it fixed today, hopefully I can get the characters page running in the week, but I'm doubting it~Makino

June 21st 2003~The story sections is up and running so you can finally find out what the Inu-Yasha series is all about. In addition, i started the Quote of the Week, it's right above the updates, so take a look. Anyway, I'll try and get the characters section up as soon as possible, maybe sooner since I might be getting some assistance. Anyway later~ Makino

June 19th 2003~Sorry for not updating for so long, i had exams and major assignments (which i failed) ^_^| LOL. Anyways, I'm over with all of that and this site is my number one priority. I made new sections to the site, "About Me" and "Misc". "About Me" is up and running so, if your interested, by all means take a look. Til next time!~Makino

June 1st 2003~All the mp3s are now up and ready for download, as I was searching for some of 2nd movie mp3s, i came across the 6th ending, which can be downloaded in Tv size, I'll try and find the full version as soon as possible. I'll probably work on the other sections later on in the week, so please be patient, it shouldn't take that much time.~Makino

May 23rd 2003~Uploaded My Will, I am and Fukai Mori Mp3s, which can now be downloaded in the Mp3 section. I'm proabaly gonna upload the last 4 opening and endings very soon, so chekc it out!~Makino

May 20th 2003~ Welcome to the grand opening of Inu-Yasha: Four Souls of the Shikon! For my very first update i bring to you the "Change the World" MP3 which can be found in my multimedia section under MP3s! So enjoy! Also i'm planning to upload "My Will" and "I am" in the up coming days so check it out!~ Makino

InuYasha is copyrighted © Rumiko Takahashi

InuYasha: Four Souls of the Shikon is copyrighted © Makino Yushiro 2003-2005 All Rights Reserved.