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Kaede is Kikyo's little sister. She was around the age of 7 when Kikyo died. Kaede grew up to become the priestess instead of Kikyo and has much the same abilities as Kikyo. She can use the bow and arrow, and basically is a standard miko. Kaede lost her eye when she was injured at a younger age and was the one who placed the magical Rosary around Inuyasha's neck so he wouldn't kill Kagome. And that was how the wonderful, "Sit Boy!" came to be.

Since Inuyasha re-awoke, Kaede is fairly wise and became somewhat of the group's adviser. She is often refered to "Kaede-baba" or something like that which is a rude way of adressing someone older then yourself and can be sort of translated to, "Kaede-old woman."

-YuYu Hakusho
-Card Captors
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