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Name: Juno Sasano
Age: 25
Height: 5"7
Weight: 58 l b
Nationality: Uncertain (though his surname is Japanese, his ancestry is thoroughly Western)
Eyes: The left is ice-blue and the right is fire-brown
Hair: Sandy brown, unkempt and tied back
Occupation: Full time DJ and ex-stripper
Likes: Music, anything that plays music and anything he could make play music
Dislikes: Basically everything that
Koichi likes

Bio: Juno is seen as being the cold and uncaring character in Perfect Symmetry, who does nothing without a purpose and unless that purpose suits him. He is incredibly defensive of himself and goes to the greatest lengths to try and put people off from knowing him, only Koichi and Rei (whom he calls 'Big Sister') know him (Rei being the only one who fully understands him) and know that he is not cold, but efficient, there is nothing he owns because he wants it, only because he needs it.
'Juno' was a name that he invented for himself as he tried to remove himself from his family, his surname is his original, though no one but his father and his brother know what his real name is, not even
Rei knows. He clearly (and sometimes forcefully) states that he is Japanese though his appearance dictates otherwise (his parents were born in Japan, so were theirs and so on for a few generations back. There was Japanese married in to the family but there were no children). Due to his foreign upbringing he found it difficult (or rather, he refused) to fit into the Japanese culture and he still carries most of his western traits and is fluent in both English and Japanese. The only thing he owns from his past is a stuffed dog called Tobi that he sometimes carries about and takes comfort in.
He works as a full time DJ under the stage name of '2-Tone'. It was Rei who first introduced him into the music business after she had worked him as a stripper for a couple of years. He is well known throughout the dance music scene in Britain and Europe, though he spends a great part of the year abroad he still plays mainly in Rei's most popular nightclub, 'The Ark'. He claims that music is his 'one true love' and constantly reminds Koichi that he can never take its place in him (which usually ends up with in a fight). He says that the beauty of music is that it doesn't matter what language you speak, you can understand the moods in it just by listening.
He is very conscious of his eyes and covers them as much as he can; though he does use them to promote himself in the music business. His biggest fear is that
Koichi finds out about his past and the trouble that his eyes have caused him, resulting in him covering them from him at all times. He is also aware of his general appearance being different from everyone else, though he claims that he doesn't really mind he is deeply upset by his looks. The reasons that he stays in Tokyo are down to Koichi and that he is determined not to be 'driven out' by his family.
His actual relationship with
Koichi confuses him, he is unsure as to why he feels he has to have him around or near him. Though he acts cold to him, it is only his way of keeping his distance and also something he can't control.