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Name: Koichi Tokita
Age: 20
Height: 5"3
Weight: 49 lb
Nationality: Japanese
Eyes: Deep green
Hair: Went from dark brown to white to fire-orange with white tips and yellow streaks
Occupation: Actor
Likes: Most western movies and music, manga and video games
Dislikes: Fish, school, anything pink and masks

Bio: Koichi is seen as rather childish in his behaviour and is often referred to as 'kid' which infuriates him. Juno's name for him is 'Weed', saying that he does nothing but get under his feet, is a pest and won't go away no matter how much he knocks him back. Koichi, naturally, hates this and as a result, he and Juno constantly fall out.
His main ambition in life is to become an actor. He felt as if he was forced into leaving school after being picked on all the years he was there, he wants to become prosperous so he can provide his family with what they could never give him. This is because his father died when he was 11, his mother had to go into full time work and he was left effectively to bring his younger sister,
Izuka up on his own. Because of this, he is very defensive of Izuka and would not see her harmed in any way, he's also aware that she is very sensitive to his emotions and has learned that he has to control them around her. He still mourns for his father in his own way and gets upset at Juno for rejecting his own, not fully understanding the reasons that he did so.
His closest friend is
Atsushi whom he has known for his time at senior school. He is very patient with him and knows how to act around him. He is aware that Rei is not too keen on him but never figures out why. He is rather nervous of Kino and always takes orders from her without question (which he learned after he tried to talk her out of making him a male stripper).
He finds this difficult, as he easily becomes embarrassed, and is also scared of what consequences it could bring to his family. Though he is a person that needs a great deal of stability, he makes it clear that he wants no family of his own and is happy with his mother and sister. His biggest worry is having his family taken from him, even for
Juno, and he strives to live up to his mothers expectations at all times.
His relationship with Juno is confusing to him and he makes what he calls 'mistakes' in it. Though he is completely devoted to him, Juno can intimidate him and he easily becomes nervous or flustered around him. Juno's appearance is of great fascination (and a great discomfort to Juno) to him. At first, he is shocked by his accent and eyes, but dismisses them both as 'assets' and to be looked upon as good rather than bad.
Koichi finds it difficult to cope with fame, not necessarily his own, but
Juno's, especially as he is more well known to foreigners. He is unsure how to act in public with him and easily becomes panicked when confronted by anyone who knows his or Juno's name.