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Name: Rei Miro
Age: 33
Height: 5"5
Weight: 51 lb
Nationality: Japanese
Eyes: Bright Blue
Hair: Varies. Electric blue and black, red highlights, purple highlights. Usually tied back in braided pigtails
Occupation: Owner and promoter of varies clubs in Tokyo, acts as
Juno's 'sister'
Likes: Guns, lots of them, looking good all day everyday
Dislikes: Atsushi,
Koichi (to an extent), rain and anything fried
Bio: Rei is first introduced when Koichi is forced to go to The Ark and learn how to become a stripper. She is rather short tempered and can easily become enraged. She normally carries a gun with her and though she never uses it, she enjoys threatening people with it, especially Juno. At first she appears rather vain, always looking her best and erratically brushing her hair, though this is untrue. She makes it very clear that she loves Juno and would rather die than let anything happen to him, priding herself on him and calling him her 'best work'. Rei is also married, though she calls it nothing more than a 'master-slave' relationship and that it was only for the money, she seems quite happy in her relationship.
Rei 'bought'
Juno when he was 17 and brought him up, making him earn his keep working as a stripper in one of her clubs. She spotted his potential and interest in music and encouraged him to learn how to DJ, promising him a chance playing in The Ark if he could prove himself good enough. Juno became full time professional at 21 and Rei became his music partner, often singing vocals at live venues and working instruments on tracks. She bullies Juno, rather like an older sister would and delights that she is the only person he will listen to.
When she finds out that
Koichi is with Juno, she takes an instant dislike to him, only tolerating him because he makes Juno happy. She sees the risk that Juno takes with Koichi and often tries to talk him out of the relationship, maintaining her opinion that those who dig up the past get dirty. She completely detests Atsushi due to his sick nature and has no patience for him at all.
Overall, Rei's only concerns lie with
Juno and protecting him from himself, even if it means putting a gun to his head.