These are the different types of decks used in the Yugioh Trading Card Game. Again, if you are a newbie that doesn't duel by official tourny rules, then this section may not interest you because these are decks the TRIBUTE users would play.
Deck Number 1: Basic Beatdown.
Basic Beatdown is just like it sounds. You use strong level four star monsters (1800+) and sacrifice them to beatdown your opponents life points. This is the most common type of deck played at official tournys.
Deck Number 2: Exodia Deck.
An Exodia deck has all five pieces of Exodia the Forbidden One (WHAT A SHOCKER) and the point of the deck is to assemble Exodia in order to win the duel. Believe it or not, this is another common deck played at tournys.
Deck Number 3: Burner Deck.
This deck uses Magic, Trap, and Effect Monsters to get around your monsters and total your life points. Chances are their life points are going to go up as they destroy your life points. Not many people play this deck.
Deck Number 4: Clown Control.
This deck takes advantage of the Dream Clown and Crass Clown's effects in order to destroy your monsters and take out your life points. This deck is quite the rarity.
Deck Number 5: F I N A L Deck
The F I N A L deck uses the Destiny Board to achieve victroy. Basically, it stalls you from attacking until the message is spelled. This deck is quite difficult to play, making it a rarity like Clown Control.
Deck Number 6: Advanced Beatdown.
The difference between Advanced and Basic Beatdown lies in the attacking monsters strength. Adavanced Beatdown Decks have Goblin Attack Forces and Dark Elves that have four stars and 2000+ atk power. A some what common find.
Deck Number 7: Deck Destruction.
This is a stall deck that uses magic and effect monsters to make you draw out of cards. I have yet to see a successful Deck Destruction Deck and it isn't played at all really.
Deck Number 8: Toon Deck.
This is the most common of the newbie decks that people will brag about saying that they are unstoppable with toon cards at their desposal. Toon cards are special because they can attack your life points directly if there isn't a toon monster on your side of the field and they are special summoned on the field, but without Toon World they are garbage.
Deck Number 9: Monster Desposal.
This deck destroys its on monsters and yours to power up a certain monster. Most common with Buster Blader.
Deck Number 10: Main Attribute Deck.
This deck makes use of a monster main attribute (Light, Dark, Etc.) Usually field cards power the monsters up, but chances are you might get the field power bonus yourself.
More decks to be added at a later date.