- Name: Stanley Dziadura
- Age: 21
- Height: 5'7"
- Weight: 240 lbs.
- Eyes: Hazel
- Hair: Brown
- DOB: April 16, 1984
- Residence: Carnegie, PA (outside of Pittsburgh)
- Status: Single
- Hobbies: Drawing, videos games, watching movies/anime,
going to Rennaissance Faires, playing YuGiOh card game, and
- Favorite...
Color(s): green and silver (couldn't you tell?)
Video Games: RPGs, Real Time Strategy, First Person Shooters,
some simulation, fighting, GTA-like games.
Pirates of the Caribbean, Moulin Rouge, The Patriot,
Dragon Heart, The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the
Holy Grail, Scent of a Woman, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix.
Anime: The Slayers, Excel Saga, Love Hina, Great
Teacher Onizuka (GTO), Dragonball Z, Ranma 1/2, Trigun,
Ah! My Goddess,
Neon Genesis Evangalieon,
Wing, and several more that would take too long to type.
Food: Meat mostly cause it goes good with A1..
Music Artists: Linkin' Park, Greenday, Savage Garden,
Eminem, System of a Down, Disturbed, Bon Jovi, Evanesence,
Rob Zombie.....and just about anything that sounds good.
Click below to view my pics:
2002 Senior photo
Contact Info
Email: DemonLordSevron@hotmail.com
Yahoo!: demonangelsevron
MSN: DemonLordSevron@hotmail.com
Cell Phone #: 412-496-3485 (I have Caller ID) |