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Arts & Works

Below are some of my works including 3D, drawings, illustrations, video, and poetry.
(Note: The video files do not seem to be working. I am trying to fix this problem.)


3D Work

  1. Sephiroth from FF7
  2. My Seph (color)
  3. Seph and Daina 1
  4. Seph and Daina 2
  5. The Death of a Reason
  6. Zeno Stryker (Dark Havens version)
  7. Chibi Havens
  8. Random drawing
  9. My First Anime Drawing
  10. Death Knight Surmos
  11. Seph as Earth Knight
  12. Seph Demon Form
  13. Seph Final Form
  14. Dragon Knight
  15. Catgirl (color)
  1. Madkat Variant Ver. 1.0
  2. Madkat Variant Ver. 2.0
  3. Raven Variant Ver 1.0
  4. Summoner Variant Ver. 1.0
  5. Madkat Variant 3.0 A.M.S.A.T
  6. Shadow Nutaka (Windows)
  7. Zeno Stryker (Syngea)
  8. Cathedral of Cherin (outside)
  9. Cathedral of Cherin (outside 2)
  10. Cathedral of Cherin (inside main room)
  11. Cathedral of Cherin (inside main room 2)
  12. Blacksmith Circle
  13. Shack by the Water
  14. Stone Room
  15. Aircraft
Poetry Illustrations and Video
  1. Existance
  2. True Love
  3. The Knight's Dream
  1. Girl made of Type
  2. Sevroni Studios logo (Windows)
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