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~ The Dream
~ From Life to Death
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War On the Horizon

He had been on the move for so long that he forgot what it was like to stay still. Ever since he had met with Sai and the others, he felt as though nothing was the same. He now knew that the battle for mankind was fast approaching, and that all hope for survival rest with those two: Sembri and Toren.

But Kunta had not lost hope. After leaving his childhood home, he had been gathering people for their cause wherever he went. Even if he only got one person from each town, he felt like he was making a difference. It had been three months since he had made the decision to live and fight Cain. He had been through countless cities, trying to convince as many people as he could to rise up and fight their oppressor. He now had an army of five-hundred. It seemed like a meager amount compared to Cain's seventy-thousand, but what they lacked in numbers they made up for in skill and stealth. They trained daily, working hard to be able to protect their families and loved ones from Cain when the time came. Kunta had deliberately set up camp right where Sembri would pass through on their way to Talbithar. They would join up with her and protect her for as long as they could. If a girl of her age could fight the most powerful man to ever walk the planet, then he and his men could surely protect her on her way. Sai said that Sembri and Toren would have to face Cain alone. He understood that, but she would never make it past the gates without an army fighting for her.

He ducked out of his tent and looked around. Barracks were set up in every direction. There was even a section set up for the women who wanted to help. They had an infirmary, and eating area composed of three giant tents, a place where they patched up worn uniforms, even a blacksmith to keep their weapons in top shape. His army was constantly training, trying to improve in every way they could. They knew that in order to survive, they would have to be cunning. Many of his men were hunters, and were teaching the others how to set up traps and blend them into the environment. Kunta's favorite was to have a stack of logs waiting at the top of a pass. When unsuspecting troops went by, a single log holding them up would be moved to the side, sending around twenty of them to the soldiers below. Another was digging holes so deep that there was no chance of getting out once you'd fallen in.

They also had some very skilled archers. They were trying to invent a way to make a line of bows shoot off simultaneously. So far, they could get five at once by a series of strings. Though it still took great skill to accomplish, it made it seem as if there were a great deal more of them than there actually was.

He had once fought in Cain's army, and he knew that they were confident enough to chase down any enemy. He was going to use this to his advantage. If Cain's army actually did chase them, their traps would be waiting.

His thoughts were interrupted by a man running towards him calling his name.

"Kunta! There are one-thousand soldiers headed in this direction. We'll never be able to move in time. Your orders?"

"We have two options. We can stand and fight, or we can convince them we're part of Cain's army. Alert the camp at once, we're going to do the latter. I'm going to change into my Terebinthian armor. Be sure no man challenges them but me."

The man gave a salute and ran off, giving Kunta's orders and having others help him spread the news.

By the time Kunta had changed, the army was so close he could hear the horses. When they were close enough, he gave Cain's salute, as did two others he had taught.

"Where are you headed on such a fine day, sir?" Kunta asked the man at the head of the procession.

"We have received word that the last Priestess has been spotted about forty miles from here. We have been sent as the elimination squad. We have been ordered to tell any squadron we see on the way to be alert. She may try to sneak by us."

"Yes, sir!" He and the other two gave another salute and stood at attention until the procession had passed, which is customary in Cain's army. As soon as they were out of earshot, Kunta turned to the men at his side.

"Find our fastest messenger and a map of this region. Bring them both to my tent as quickly as possible!"


Within five minutes, a map had been brought and the man who would warn Sembri sat in front of him. The horse was being readied with all necessary tack and supplies. Kunta took a deep breath. He knew this man had a hard job.

"Did you see the squadron that just passed?"

"Yes, sir. Though it didn't seem enough to make this much of a fuss over."

"Normally, it wouldn't be. But these soldiers had a specific job to do. They are an elimination squad, sent out to destroy the Priestess."

The young man's face took on a hardened look. Now he knew what he was sent for. He knew what he was up against.

Kunta pointed to a spot on the map. "This is where we are." He moved his finger a little to the south. "And this is where the Priestess and her party are. You are to ride as fast as you can to warn them to be on the move. I don't know how they were found out, but they are in serious danger if they remain. You must ride far enough around that squadron that they don't hear you. Will you do it?"

"Of course. Why train so hard if we lose over something as petty as this?"

"Good. Your horse should be ready by now. Take whatever you need."

The soldier gave a salute and rushed to his task.

Another young man sat at Kunta's side. He slowly raised his eyes to his superior's face. "Sir, what if he doesn't make it in time?"

"Let's just pray he does."


Sembri had been practicing every day, trying to improve her powers. Hikari had told her that now she had mastered the ability to fly, that they were sisters and had taken to calling her "Bri." Her excuse was that Toren called her "Sem," so she had to give her a nickname as well.

Sembri was happy that everything was going as good as it was. She'd had to go to the nearest town twice now for supplies. Toren had fought with her, saying she shouldn't risk such a thing. He was only just getting to the point of being able to move about again without gasping in pain. His encounter with Cain had taken more out of him that he realized.

She was the one keeping order in their little cabin for the time being, so she decided it would be best if she could use her powers while she flew. She was practicing just that when she caught sight of a single man on horseback approaching the cabin at full speed. She flew back to the cabin as fast as she could and told the others what she had seen.

"Oh, Bri! What are we going to do?"

"Pitiful," said Wasian. "He's a lone soldier! There's no harm that can come from him. Sembri and I faced a demon. We'll be fine against a mere man.

Toren nodded his agreement. "If he's friend, we'll be fine. If he's foe, I feel sorry for him."

Toren stood and walked to the doorway and pulled out his dagger. Wasian stepped up beside him, as did Sembri, gripping her staff. They could already see him rounding the trail, his horse didn't show any sign of slowing. As the three prepared for the fight at hand, Wasian saw the white flag that was being waved above the soldier's head.

"Stop!" Toren shouted. "Announce your business or turn back!"

"Sir, I come on behalf of out leader, Kunta! He has sent me with urgent news for the Priestess and her friends!"

Sembri froze at the mention of the man's name.

"What news is there for me? And where is Kunta?"

The soldier finally came to rest in front of the cabin and dismounted. He ten gave Sembri the deepest bow she had ever received.

"Kunta has sent me to tell you there are one-thousand of Cain's finest headed in this direction. Someone from the town nearby spotted you and reported it. They will be here in a little over an hour. We must leave this place! Kunta has assembled five-hundred men who are ready to take you into Cain's palace. We will have to take a route far to the west of here if we are to avoid Cain's elimination squad. Quickly, pack what you can carry and let's be on our way!"

They all stood shocked for a few moments when Hikari finally spoke up.

"Bri, we're ready. I know you're frightened, but we are ready to face Cain. Your powers have increased so much, and you'll have us to help you! We can beat him, Bri!"

"Yes, Hikari. I believe you're right. But, I'm still afraid. I have a terrible feeling about this battle"

She turned her attention to Toren. "I'm afraid that one of us… won't survive this encounter."

Her eyes became cloudy and she flung her arms around his neck.

"I don't want to be left alone with him. I don't want to be without my friends."

She gave in to her emotions and wept on Toren's shoulder. When they parted, they did what they had wanted to for a very long time: they kissed.

"Sem, I will be right beside you. You'll never be alone."

And with that, they all set themselves to the task at hand. Even the soldier helped to pack their things. The horse was loaded with whatever couldn't be carried, and Sembri and Toren began casting spells to make the cabin look abandoned once more. Toren took away all traces of them ever having been there. He even put a layer of dust over the furniture inside. Sembri made the vines grow up over the house once again and covered their tracks out of the forest.

Once clear of the trees, she and Toren flew up to see if they could spot the army. They were making their way to the town east of their cabin home.

"They will probably camp there tonight and track you down in the morning. But just to be sure, we won't be stopping until we reach Kunta's camp. We should get there around dawn."

"Right," said Toren.

Sembri faced a dazzling sunset and began walking. "We'll make it. I know we will."


Sai had been on the move since he left them. He'd been picking out important strongholds that Cain had placed and destroying them. Several were very well prepared and proved more difficult that he had anticipated. He'd been caught unawares one time too many and had seriously injured one of his arms. He had, however, taken out nearly every obstacle in the children's path. The only thing that worried him was the spell that he had cast over the cabin had disappeared. That meant that either Sembri had gone more than five miles away, or she was dead. He had started in that direction as soon as he sensed that the shield had come down. He landed in front of the door a full day after he had set out. There was no sign of Sembri or her friends, but there were signs of forced entry and too many footprints on the ground to count. They went all the way down to the lake, then headed back east in the direction they came.

"Someone tipped off Cain about their whereabouts. Sembri must have endangered them by going into the town. She must have also acquired the Sorceress's power of persuasion. Otherwise, Toren would never have let her go. She may not have realized it yet."

Sai began to fly and concentrated hard to try and find Sembri. He searched to the east before focusing north and found her. She had met up with so many people he could hardly sense her in the confusion. He could only hope that she wasn't with the group that had went through the cabin.

He landed a short distance from the camp to try and listen to the conversation, but before he got close enough, two soldiers grabbed him from behind. He had learned by now not to fight back. He could occasionally play the senile old man and get away with valuable information. The two who had grabbed him led him gently to a large tent toward the center of the camp. Inside an older man sat with his back to the entrance, studying a map that hung from the wall of the tent. As he turned his head, Sai lowered his eyes. It was better to play dumb and show respect in this kind of situation.

The old man walked up and lifted his chin, forcing his eyesup. Sais aw a look of recognition pass across the man's face and a grin stretch from ear to ear.

"Sai! I never thought we'd meet again! How have you been, and who wounded your arm? Not my men, I hope?"

Sai stared long and hard at the man

"Why, Kunta, is that you? My, how you're changed. You aren't the gangly fellow we met in the woods any longer. You've put together quite an army here. How did you manage it?"

"A lot of hard work and determination, my friend." He turned to the soldiers who had brought Sai. "Fetch the Priestess and her party. Tell them an old friend is here."

The two saluted and returned a few minutes later, holding the sides of the tent open for the others.

Sembri ran in and threw her arms around Sai's neck. "Oh, Sai! I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever see you again!"

"My dear, I'm too stubborn to let anything happen to me." With this, they all laughed.

"Sai, what have you been doing all this time?" asked Hikari.

"I've been clearing the way for you. The only opposition you should meet will be at the palace itself. However, they are almost ten-thousand strong."

"That's why we're here," interrupted Kunta. "My army is going to lead the attack and clear a way to Cain for the Priestess. That's what we've been training so hard for all this time. We're ready when you are, Sembri."

"Yes! Bri, we're all going to stand behind you. We'll win this thing together."

Sembri looked around the room at the hardened faces before her. She had never felt more secure about anything before.

"We head out at dawn."

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