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~ You
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Second fanfic! Go me! I'm always writing this sappy stuff when it comes to FF8. ^_^ This one is of Rinoa writing in her diary. If it seems to skip around a bit, I apologize, this is just how I see her writing/talking, so that's the way it turned out!

Song: Evanescence - You

Disclaimers: I don't own Final Fantasy or Evanescence, and don't bother suing, the most you'd get is my sister and brother for compensation.... On second thought............


The words have been drained from this pencil

Sweet words that I want to give you

And I cant sleep, I need to tell you... goodnight

Dear Diary,

You know, I still can't get over the fact that Squall and I are finally dating. It took him forever to open up to me. Now, it's like he doesn't want me out of his sight for a second. He really is a romantic at heart. But even worse, I'm the same way. I can't even get to sleep thinking about him, and I just saw him an hour ago!

When we're together I feel perfect

When I'm pulled away from you I fall apart

All you say is sacred to me

Your eyes are so blue, I can't look away

He makes me feel so loved, though. It's like he knows exactly what I'm feeling and does exactly what he needs to and everything is right again. And when I can't see him, its like I'm losing my mind. Our time together is so precious to me, I don't know what I'd do without him. I could stare into his eyes for eternity, get lost into the blue pools, and never want to leave. He is my world, there's no denying that.

As we lay in the stillness

You whisper to me,

"Lady, marry me

Promise you'll stay with me."

Oh you don't have to ask me

You know you're all that I live for

You know I'd die just to hold you

Stay with you

And now I know that he feels the same about me. He proposed to me today. Its like I'm walking on a cloud, or I'm in a dream or something. I can't believe it, its too good to be true. One day soon, I'll actually be Rinoa Leonheart. I'm blushing just thinking about it! He knew I'd say yes, otherwise he wouldn't have asked me. He never does anything that he knows he'll get a negative response from, not unless he's forced to, but he knew I loved him. He knew I couldn't stay away from him.

Somehow I'll show you

That you are my night sky

I've always been right behind you

Now I'll always be right beside you

Looking back, I never really was happy until I met him. He means everything to me. He's more radiant than all the stars in the sky, and stands out far brighter than any one of them. Squall, I'm not just an outsider in your orphanage group now. You've brought me into your close-knit friendship. You've made me a part of you. I'm not afraid of being left behind anymore, because you'll always be right by my side.

So many nights I've cried myself to sleep

Now that you love me I love myself

I never thought I would say that

I never thought there'd be you

You always reminded me that no matter what, I'd always have friends. Even when I let myself believe they would all turn their backs on me because I was a sorceress. I couldn't even live with myself at that point, but you saved me, Squall. You saved me from myself. I never thought that I'd be able to live on earth anymore, I thought I'd be sent into space. But that was before you showed me that life is worth living, because you love me.

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