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My Profile
-Original & Poems-
~ Prophecy's End
~ The Dream
~ From Life to Death
~ Loneliness
~ Rain
-Fan Fictions-
~ Proposal
~ You
~ The Sorceress's Knight
~ Yuna's Ponderings
My MySpace
My LiveJournal Account Account

This is my baby, my writing focus for three long years. The story is finally complete. I hope the company you find inside will be with you for years to come.

Ch. 1: Beginnings | Ch. 2: The stone | Ch. 3: Behind Sealed Doors

Ch. 4: Dungeon and Cabin | Ch. 5: Escaped Prisoners | Ch. 6: A Letter and the Truth

Ch. 7: Sad Goodbye and Tearful Hello | Ch. 8: Demon in the Depths | Ch. 9: Farewell

Ch. 10: Reality's Collapse | Ch. 11: War on the Horizon | Ch. 12: Preparations

Ch. 13: Last Prophecy | Ch. 14: End of the Battle

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