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End of the Battle

Cain laughed. “A shield, how quaint. And just to be sure no one interrupts our little reunion…” Cain created a similar shield that covered the entrances to the room. “We’re now sealed in here. The only way to take those down is to kill me.”

“Trust me, they will come down,” threatened Toren. “And you’ll go down with them.” He gripped Sembri’s arm. “Don’t let in, I’m here to hold you up. The pain will most likely be excruciating. I’ll be here for you.”

She nodded, tears still streaming. She lifted her staff above her head, letting it go to float before her. The star at the top spun so quickly that silver sparks flew from it. “Angels, hear my plea.” The blue stone about her neck was glowing brightly. It lifted a bit from her chest, radiating power. “I call upon you to use the Ishi no Chikara. Destroy Cain, send him into oblivion!”

Angels began appearing on a grand scale. Thousands were standing around them. They were hooded in black cloaks, eyes gleaming beneath the fabric.

“And I call upon the power within myself. The powers of the Priestess as well as the Sorceress. Destroy the stones forever so that none may use them for evil again!”

The black stone emerged from it’s gilded cage. There were shapes spinning beneath its shadowy surface, a black light surrounding both stones.

Cain’s eyes grew wide with terror. “You know how to use them! But how? How?!” He stepped backwards until he tripped over his own throne. “You will kill him in the process, you know that!”

“Yes, and his sacrifice will not be in vain! While he will go to Nae, you shall be delivered into the depths of Hell. I’ve been there, and I only wish there were somewhere worse to send you.”

“You’ll destroy the link! You’ll not return to live there, and Toren won’t return to his home!”

Cain’s hand shot out, ribbons of lightning emerging from his palms. “If you won’t listen, I’ll take you with me!”

Toren, sweat beading on his forehead, grimaced. “Sem, hurry. I can’t hold the shield much longer.”

Cain roared in laughter. “You won’t have time to finish, Priestess! Your boyfriend is losing strength!” He increased the power he was using; the streaks of lightning widened.

Toren’s knees his the floor beside Sembri. He was in obvious pain, every muscle in his body was flexed with the clash of powers.

Sembri screamed in true rage. Her feet lifted off of the ground and her entire body began glowing a radiant white. Cain shielded his eyes against it. When she spoke, every Priestess ever to have existed spoke along with her. It was as eerie a sound as he’d ever heard.

”The sacrifices made here shall live on forever. Your soul shall spend eternity in agony for the pain you hath caused to others. One of Pure Heart, shield thine eyes. Any who look upon the death of these stones shall spend an eternity with them in oblivion.”

Toren covered his face as the voices grew louder. They echoed off the walls until a shrill scream could be heard throughout the palace. The thousands of Priestesses past were about to take vengeance against this lost soul, and their agony was heard in their voices.

A loud explosion was heard, along with a scream of pain. Then a hard impact to the air caused everything to go black.


When he awoke, Sembri was curled up next to him, fast asleep. Cain’s body lay on his throne where he had fallen. Toren cradled her against him and brushed her hair away from her face.

“Sem? Can you hear me?”

She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. She cupped his face with her hand. “It’s over. It’s finally over. We won the battle.”

As he nodded, he realized he was crying with relief. It had been only months since they started out, but it seemed a lifetime. The surreal feeling was interrupted when Cain moaned in pain.

Sembri rushed over to him and laid him down on the floor. His blue eyes opened and he smiled. “You… you did it. I’m so glad. Sembri… remember your promise. Don’t lose your life because of this. You’ve got so much to look… forward to.” He closed his eyes once more. “I’ve always loved you. Toren, promise you’ll always love her as well?”

“I promise.”

He smiled again before his soul finally left his body.

Sembri sat there for a long time, trying to decide if all that had just transgressed was more than just a dream. As she silently and softly cried, Toren comforted her.


As tired as they were, they held each other up as they made their way back to the palace gates. Kunta stood arguing with Sai and General Railey, Wasian stood to the side snickering.

“Don’t you see? They’ll be looking for someone to replace the king! There could be no one better!” General Railey was definitely animated about his opinion.

“Who?” asked Toren.

Wasian’s ears perked up when he smiled at them. “Now that Cain’s gone, the General wants Kunta to take the role as king. He doesn’t want to.”

Sembri smiled. “I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

Kunta began to say something, then stopped himself. “If you think so, Priestess.”

“Sembri, come here, child.” Sai wrapped his arms around her as his tears slipped from tightly closed eyes. “I’m so relieved to see you well. You did so well. The loss must have been unimaginable, Hikari became close to all of us.”

As she cried, she realized that Sai didn’t know all that had transpired. As she recalled the recent events, the army made its way to them. All eyes were downcast as they listened to the tale.

“Priestess?” asked a soldier towards the back of the lines. “I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, I appreciate everything you’ve done, but how could you decide on your own to destroy the link? Now the Immortal can’t return to Nae.”

Toren waved the young man forward. “I’m as mortal as you now. As soon as I came to Kunai, mortality set in. I can die, just like the rest of you. And I can love. Sembri destroyed the link because I told her I would be happy here with her. I will return one day, but not for a long, long time. For now, I’m happy here, with the love of my life.”

He pulled Sembri into an embrace. “Are you ready to go back to Banil? Some nice, country living sounds really nice for a honeymoon. If you’ll have me, that is.”

She smiled and kissed him. “Only if Sai does the honors.”

“Of course, dear one. I would be privileged.”


Five years later, they had returned to the palace in Terebinthia. It was fully restored to it’s former glory. Kunta now reigned as a benevolent king, and the people adored him. The kingdom’s people had all returned, and the town was flourishing. At the moment, however, everyone was on pins and needles. A wonderful event was taking place at the palace, and everyone was in good spirits.

As they watched their daughter being wrapped in swaddling cloths, Sembri’s eyes were filled with joy.

“She’s every bit as beautiful as you, Sem.”

“What will we name her?”

“I’ve always liked the name Kira.”

“Kira sounds lovely. Kira it is, then.”

“Kira isn’t going to be a wimpy princess, is she?” asked Wasian.

Sembri giggled. “Actually, if you would, I was going to ask you to train her. The war is still brewing. Cain’s followers aren’t all destroyed yet. She needs to know how to protect herself.”

A grin spread across his face. “Really? I can train her?”

“I trust your judgment. After all, you helped train me as well. Make sure she can take care of herself.”

Wasian stroked the tiny fingers on Kira’s hand. “You’ll never lose a fight, little one. I promise you that. Except, of course, to me.” He smiled, looking forward to the years ahead.


The End

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