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The baboon is among the largest of the old world monkeys. They are a ground dwelling monkeys that live in troops of as many as 50 in the wild.

Both olive and gray baboons are native to northeast Africa. The gray baboons are considered sacred in Egypt and are thus also known as the sacred baboon.

These monkeys have long, dense, silky fur which is gray in males and brownish in females. Mature males have a silver-gray cape or mane over the head, neck and shoulders. All adults have red, hairless skin on the face and rump. Callosities (leathery sitting pads) allow baboons to sit and sleep upright.
Size of average adult:
Height: 2 feet
Weight: males = 45 lb.., Females = 25 lb..
Approximate life span is up to 37 years in captivity


Baboons which are Quadrupeds; walk more on all fours than any other monkey
They travel in large groups of up to 200 called troops; troops are divided into bands of 60; bands are divided into several clans made up of several adult males each with their own harem of females.
Males have exclusive breeding rights to their females and control their movements
Grooming is a social activity which relaxes and unites members of the group

Diurnal and terrestrial, usually sleep on vertical cliffs rather than in trees
Spend much time walking, foraging for food and water
sexual maturity: males = 7 years, females = 5 years
breeding season: females develop a red bottom swelling which allows the males to identify when they are ready to mate
gestation: 5-6 months
usually a single birth, young are born black, weighing 1 - 2 pounds, turning olive-brown as they mature
mothers provide most of the infant care, but orphaned infants are occasionally "adopted" and raised by individual males