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Links to other sites and pages.

Ok people. Here it is. My first link page.

(about time too!)

Anyways, here it is. Been trying to get things going here. What I have is what I have started, so more may be added later on.

Here is a useful site to search the web with.

Mean People Rock!

A great place to go to and be a meany.

Like the name says. Scifi channel's web site. Check it out.

For the Best Instance messanger out there,(and the one I use.) go here and get it for free.

Here is the link to Joe Cartoon. Some of the weirdest and funnest shit you will see.

This is the Game Shark home site. Best place to kick back at for a bit. and for game codes.

Here is the Game that I like to play and the arcade that I go to to play it at.

If you though that was it, well.... Your wrong! There are so many that I need to make more than one link page. So, to go to the other page for more links, click here.

Main--|--Info on me--|--Past Life story

Pictures--|--Quotes page--|--Next link page