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My picture page.

Here are some of the pictures that I have to show. Some that know me know that I like to collect pictures of others and of some things that I like.

First up are some Vampire Hunter D pictures. As you can tell, I am a big fan of VHD. Some have said that I look a bit like him. Well, thank you those that have said so.

Now, here is some thumb nails of D. Click on them to see a larger picture.

Well, that was all the Vampire hunter D pictures that I have. I will try to get more. But now, we are on to the other part of the page. The pictures I have here are of my self and my drawings. Though there are just a few so far, there will be more. Click to see an enlarged picture.

Main--|--Info on me--|--Past Life story

Pictures--|--Quotes page--|--Link page