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A page of Quotes and words of thoughts.

Welcome to my quote page. This is where I will be putting all of my quotes and sayings so people like you can see my art that I do not write else where. Please take a moment read what you like and to think about these words that you have read. It is my hope that these quotes will inspire others to be more sane and thinkfull about things.

Sorrowful Truth

"As I watch the world, I see things that make me cry. I see hate for others being taught to children so an endless war can continue forever. I see those that rule over a country show hate towards some other country because of the land they have. I see people that kill others for pleasure, I see people that kill nature for the wants of those that don’t need it. I feel the pain of the world in my heart when I see these things. I feel pain in my heart when I see things that should not even be. I cry for the world because I know there is no end to the pain." ~Jean-Paul Allee~

Roots of Evil.

“It is not the fault of man’s creations that violence exist in our world. Nothing can be blamed for the faults of man on machines. Man is the one at fault. Man is a virus that has infected the world and is slowly killing it. The cure is for man to be an animal once again with out his technology to rule him.”~~Jean-Paul Allee~~

Life of the Body.

“It is with this though that we can understand life; I am but a creature of skin, blood, and bones. I live because my body is a machine which life is created and dispensed, With this I am a creature that lives in this world of life.” ~~Jean-Paul Allee~~

Deep within

"Deep within my soul there is a place that I can not go. A place that has no memory. A place that has no sense of time. I see the doors to this place, yet I have not the key to open them. I ponder then; I wonder, what is there? What stories are kept silent? What truths are told with mute words that lie deep within this place of darkness and dismay? I may never know for it may be too much for my mind to bare." ~~ Jean-Paul Allee~~

Past remembered

"Not a day goes by that I do not think about the past and what it has taught me. Time is only a way to tell between what has happened and what is now. It is within the past do I learn the answers to the present. And with these answers, I can make a better future for my self and all that is around me. Time is slow and fast at the same time, but the past will always be there, be there to teach me the wrongs so that I may be righted." ~~Jean-Paul Allee~~

And now for quotes.

All quotes are made and owned by Jean-Paul Allee a.k.a Assassin Raven. If you want to use these quotes, please show my name after it.

"True love and honor comes from that of a true heart."

"Death is not an end, but a new begining."

"Listen to the silence of the night, listen to the silence of the void. When you do, you will know that you are alone"

"Death is but a dream. A dream that you can never awaken from."

"Love is a most powerful weapon that can destroy and creat anything.Those that know love better than anyone else is those that use it as a weapon."

"Life is a short time between death and non existance. Do what you can to experince life to the fullest. For you may not get another chance to live life again."

"We are but a pawn to the one that they call God. Pawns in His game of chess which He plays all the time. But why should we be pawns when we can be free. When we think about it, God does not love or care for us. If He did, then life as we know it would not be so painful and full of hate."

"Speak from the heart and the truth will be shown"

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