The New Birth

As Newborn Babes, Desire the Sincere Milk of the Word

1. What is the natural condition of the human family?

2. Who alone will be permitted to see God?

3. Can man by his own exertions change conditions?

4. How, then, can one be brought to God?

5. What progress can one make in coming to God without the help of Christ?

6. When one is "in Christ," what has he come?

7. What must take place before one can become a "New Creature?"

8. By what did sin slay Paul?

9. Then what gives sin its strength to kill?

10. When by the law one is convicted of sin, and has died to sin, how may he be made to live, or have the prospect of salvation?

11. By what means is the second birth effected?

12. Can we fully understand this process?

13. Can one be born of the Spirit, and still do the works of the flesh?

14. Do these two conditions harmonize?

15. What are the works of the flesh?

16. What are the works of the Spirit?

17. When a man has been "born again," what will he do?

18. What is righteousness?

19. How, then, will he that is born of God regard sin?

20. What does Paul say of his conversion?

21.How was Paul thus made to live?

22. When made free from the law of sin and death, in what condition is an individual?

23. To what kind of life does the new birth raise one?

24. If really born of God, what will one manifest?

25. What is gained by those who are born again?

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What Is The New Birth?
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