
"A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise."

1. To whom is repentance to be preached?

2. Who are called to repentance?

3. How is one to know he is a sineer?

4. Is this a universal rule?

5. To what is the transgressor of the law subject?

6. What is it that awakens the soul to a knowledge of its condition before the law?

7. What will be the inquiry of those who are thus convicted?

8. What reply should be returned to this inquiry?

9. How will the convicted sinner be constrained to act?

10. What will Godly sorrow work?

11. What will any other kind of sorrow do?

12. What does true repentance involve?

13. After repentance, how should one live?

14. Whose servant is he that commiteth sin?

15. How does God Regard the truly penitent?

16. What promise is made to those who confess their sins?

17. By what are we cleansed from sin?

18. Toward whom are we to repent?

19. To whom must we excersise faith?

20. Does repentance preceed faith?

21. How will one show that he has truly repented?

22. What does the grace of God teach?

Words We Should Know The Meanings Of What Is Confession?
What Is Conversion?
What Is Repentance?
What Is The New Birth?
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