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Well, I guess you'd like to know a little bit about me, so here goes!
As I've been promising an update, here you go! =o)
I'm engaged! I'm engaged! I'm engaged! I'm engaged!
Yes, that's right, folks! Scott finally proposed to me on Super Bowl Sunday. Isn't that so romantic? You guys have to know that football is sacred to Scott, so I must be really high priority for him to propose on such a special day. ;o) I love him so much - everyone I know HAS to know that! He's the best guy in the whole world, and I'm a very lucky girl to have him. Of course, he's pretty lucky to have me, too...
I NEARLY forgot!! (yeah right) I'm sure you guys are just DYING to know what the ring looks like! Well, It's so pretty. I love it so much. It's white gold with an oval center diamond and two horizontal baguettes (one on each side of the center). Doesn't that sound so simple? So classic? So JAMIE? =o)
I'm a 22 y/o college student at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. I'm FINALLY A SENIOR! Just one more year and I can finally make a little dough. My major is nursing (it's a baccalaureate program, for anyone who cares), and I am a member of the Student Nurses' Association, for which I serve as Historian. Actually, there wasn't even a position for historian, but I thought it would be nice to start the position, so I ended up getting elected for it!
Well, I have survived an entire year of nursing school...and with nearly all of my hair left in my head. I thought it would be impossible to get through this year and still have any left. Go figure. Sometimes miracles do happen! However, I'm broke and I believe I probably have an ulcer. About 9/10 of my class have had a mental breakdown. I was on the verge of one, but I held my ground. I'm holding on tight, with my St. John's Wort in hand (I told you guys I'm a natural girl!).
I'm preparing for the Summer I term...Nursing Research. To be honest with you guys, I'm really nearly completely unprepared and not thrilled at all. I hope I make it! Wish me all the luck in the world, and say a little prayer for me! It's only four weeks of the most intense pressure and punishment a girl (or guy for that matter) could ever have put upon her/him.
We have done so much this past year in nursing school, that I can only summarize here. We had a luncheon and a program to promote domestic violence awareness. Our turnout was pretty good, and we even had a girl from one of the dorms on campus ask us to come speak to the dorm girls! We made a nice little presentation, and let them know that all nursing students would be available in case anyone had questions. Oh yeah...I made a brochure for the whole thing, and I will try to make that available to you guys, so that in case anyone needs help getting out of a dangerous relationship, hopefully my brochure can be a sort of guideline in getting you started.
Speaking of things I've done...I will let you know a little bit about what I will be doing soon!
First of all, I will be attending the Summer I course, as everyone knows. But I have also chosen to be a Nurse Camp 2001 worker! Tiffany, one of my best friends, was also chosen to be a worker. Nurse Camp is a camp for 8-12th graders who are thinking about a a career in the field of nursing. There will be games, free gifts, prizes, and more. We will also be teaching CPR and First Aid. We will take a tour of a regional medical center, learn more about the UAM campus, and have tons of fun. All this, PLUS we will be able to talk with ASTRONAUTS in SPACE! That's right! We will actually be able to speak with the astronauts working on the space station. Is that not the coolest? I just think this is the neatest program...and I wish I had been able to attend something like this. I can't wait!
Secondly, I will be working on a Student Nurses' Association Newsletter. I will try to begin this summer, but no promises can be made. I still have to come up with a budget and I have to have funding. So any tips or money will be appreciated! =o)
At lastly, I will be working on the UAM SNA website. I hope it is everything everyone has ever hoped for and dreamed about. Okay, it won't be all that grand, but I really do want it to not suck weiners. Again, any tips will be appreciated. Thank you!
All of the nursing students went to state convention this year, and four students went to nationals in Nashville, Tennessee! I just happened to be one of the lucky ones to go to Nationals! The others that went were one of my best friends: Tiffany, then Ashley and Filo. We had so much fun, but boy were we glad to be home. I'm actually on the Arkansas Student Nurses'Association Website, under awards, then Nationals 2001 Recipients. But for ease, I have included that picture here, although it's not very clear!
So now you're wondering how I fund all of this, right? Well...I work part time for the family business (Martar Manufacturing) as secretary. And of course, I wouldn't be able to do all that I do without Scott (my fiancee) and my family. My family is just the greastest! Hope you guys remembered MOTHER'S DAY! And don't forget that FATHER'S DAY is in June.
My mom works at Martar Manufacturing most of the time, now, as I barely have time to breathe with all the hard work nursing school piles on me. She has to keep my dad and brothers in line, you see (someone has to). But I do try to work as much as my schedule allows, which isn't very much. I do get breaks, in which I go to work and let my mom get some much needed time off. She could probably hurt me for wanting her to take my place...but there was just no one else I even thought about trusting!
It's a Family Tradition!
My oldest brother, David is finally married! He sealed the deal on May 8th, 2001 on the wonderful sandy beach of Grand Cayman Island. Isn't that SPECIAL! He married a beautiful woman named Andie. They will be making their way home Saturday, May 19th. That's right, folks. They are spending a full two weeks! Doesn't it make you sick?
My middle brother, Jeff, is married to yet another beautiful woman (my brothers scored some great ones!). Her name is Terah, and together they have my first little nephew, Nathan Jeffrey! He's the cutest thing. He's 11 months old, and is getting so big. He's talking a little, and he's so funny. I wish everyone could see him. I'll be sure to get some pictures up of him so I can brag even more!
My youngest brother, Jason, is engaged to Kriket. She's just the cutest thing. She also has a little girl named Shelby that is a riot. They haven't set a date, but as soon as they do, I'll be sure to let you guys know!
One of my best friends, Jana, is getting married December 20, 2001. She is marrying Chase, her sweetheart! They really make a cute couple. I am so happy for her!
Jana asked me to be Maid of Honor, and I really am honored! Faith will serve as Matron of Honor, and the ceremony will be held in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It should be so beautiful. I think her colors will be red and silver. I have until December. Pray that I lose weight before then.
Well...that's all for now, but in the meantime, check out my MANY MANY pages I've slaved over month after month...It's sure to keep you busy for a while. Just scroll down to the bottom of this page for all of the links....and believe me, there are a lot. Get carried away...get WILD and CRAZY!!! Anyway...until next time...
My Pages:
| My Main Page |My Photo Album | Photo Album Page Two | Funny Jokes Check out the ALL NEW Mad-Libs Game |
| Hilarious Road Trips I've Been On | My Favorite Cartoons | Things I've Learned About Life and People |
| My Shrine to Lyndsi | UH OH!! NOT WAKEBOARDING!!! |
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Friends and Family's Web Sites:
Natali's and Keith's Web Page =o) (My Cousin)
JC's Web Site
Bert Wolf's Web Page
You HAVE to check Bert's page out!
Fletch's Web Site
BlueStone Castle, the abode of Linoux
Brent's Little Space on the Web
Nathan's Web Site
Nathan's Radio Show (Thursdays at 8:00 P.M.)