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James M and Nancy Belle Lloyd Piatt

James Madison Piatt was born January 1848 in Virginia (possibly Cabell County) to James Henry Piatt and Tabitha A Morgan and died after 1926.

'James Piatt' married 'Belle Lloyd' December 2, 1873, in Cooper County, Missouri. Nancy Belle Lloyd was born April 30, 1857 in Missouri and was the daughter of George T and Sarah Ellen Smith Lloyd. Belle's father died in 1862 and her mother married James' father, James Henry Piatt. Belle appeared with her younger sister in the James Henry Piatt family on the 1870 census and was listed as a step-daughter in his obituary.

James and Belle had the following known children:

The birth record for James and Belle's fourth child appears in Cooper County birth records as follows:

  • Name: Jas. Oliver Piatt (male) POB: Cooper Co, Mo. County: Cooper DOB: Aug 21, 1883 Father: James Piatt Jr born MO farmer Mother: Belle Piatt born MO [fouth child] Mother Maiden: Loyd Attendant: JWH Ross, MD, Pilot Grove, MO

    They appeared as follows on the 1880 census of Clear Creek, Cooper County, Missouri:

    This family was enumerated 9/131/2/4. At 9/131/2/5 (next door) was James' brother, Oliver Piatt, and his wife Mary Ellen. And, at 9/131/2/28 was Belle's sister, Sallie Jane Dix, with her husband, James L Dix, and his brother, Charles Dix, and James' step-brother, George Piatt. James' father and family were enumerated in Pilot Grove Township.

    By the 1900 census of Pilot Grove Township, Cooper County, Missouri, James and family appeared as follows:

    This family was enumerated 23/55/2/93. I believe whomever answered this census confused the birthplaces of 'Mom' and 'Dad' as in previous census' they are reversed (and borne out by other sources). Since we do not have the 1890 census for the 'in-between' kids. It is possible that there might have been other children not accounted for between 1883-1886 or later.

    While there were no other Piatts in Pilot Grove, in nearby Clear Creek Township was their oldest son, Elmer, and his family living near James' brother, Oliver Piatt, and family as follows:

    I do not have abstracts for Cooper County from the 1910 census, however, I believe James and family along with his mother, Sarah, lived in Clear Creek Township.

    On the 1920 census, James and Belle appeared with his mother in Clear Creek Township, Cooper County, Missouri, as follows:

    This family was enumerated #26/75/8/25. Three of James' sons were living in Pilot Grove Township, Cooper County, Missouri.

    Belle died in 1926. Her death certificate reads as follows:
    Missouri State Board of Health; Certificate of Death; County: Cooper; Township: [blank]; City: Pilot Grove; No: [blank]; Street: [blank]; Ward: [blank]; Registration District: 222; Primary Registration District: 4135; File No: 141 (handwritten) 15836 (stamped); Registered No: [blank]; Full Name: Nannie Bell Piatt; Residence No: [blank]; Street: [blank]; Ward: [blank]; Length of residence in city or town where death occurred: [blank] yrs [blank] mos [blank] ds; Sex: Female; Color: White; Marital Status: Married; Name of Spouse: James M Piatt; Date of Birth: Apr 30 1857; Age: 69 years - months 5 days; Occupation: Retired Farmer; General nature of industry: Wife; Name of Employer: [blank]; Birthplace: Missouri; Name of father: George T. Loyd; Birthplace of Father: Indiana; Maiden Name of Mother: Sarah Elen Smith; Birthplace of Mother: Missouri; Informant: Tempa Schlotzhauer; Informant Address: Pilot Grove, Mo: Filed: 5/7, 1926 Bill Kest? Deputy; Date of Death: May 5, 1926; I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from April 20, 1926, to May 5, 1926, that I last saw her alive on May 5, 1926, and that death occurred on the date stated above, at 10 a.m. The cause of death was as follows: Lobar Pneumonia 101A; Duration: [blank] yrs [blank] mos 6 ds; Contributory and duration: [blank] [blank] yrs [blank] mos [blank] ds; Did an operation precede death? [blank]; Was there an autopsy? [blank]; What test confirmed diagnosis? [blank]; Signed: W Baruss? M. D. May 5, 1926 address: Pilot Grove, Mo; Place of burial or removal: Pilot Grove City; Date of Burial: May 7 1926; Undertaker: E E Chapman; Undertaker address: Pilot Grove Mo


    Updated Sep 2006

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