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John and Jane Williamson Piatt

John Piatt was born July 15, 1740, in Six Mile Run, Middlesex County, New Jersey, to John and Francis Van Vliet Piatt and died March 2, 1819, in Washington Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. He married first Jane Williamson on March 27, 1763, in New Jersey. Jane was born in New Jersey to Matthias and Susannah Halstead Williamson and died in 1800. Matthias was born 1716 in Elizabethtown, New Jersey and died 1807 in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. He was a Colonel of the Essex County Light Horse, 1775, and commanded a brigade, 1777. He served as quartermaster general and his son, Matthias, was his assistant.

Children of John Piatt and Jane Williamson are:

John married second to Elizabeth Young Bear possibly in White Deer Valley, Northumberland/Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.

John Piatt, was a minute man in the Middlesex County, New Jersey, militia during the Revolutionary War. He was born in Holland, lived in New Jersey during the war and removed to Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where he died.

I seem to find him and his son, John, along with John Sr's brother, Abraham Piatt in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, as follows:

This would seem to be John (over 16); his son, Jacob (under 16); and his wife, Jane (female), and their youngest daughter, Francis (female). It doesn't account for the other male over 16 as their son, John, was in his own household. His son, John Jr, was married by 1790 but appeared to have no children at that time per the listing of their known children.

On the 1800 census in trying to identify John Piatt - I find the following in Washington Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania:

In Washington Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, was the family of:

Only the John Peat in Northumberland County is old enough to be John who was born in 1740 (60 years old) although in Lycoming County is a family (on the same page) who appears to be John's daughter and son-in-law. In that case, it would appear that he has one of his sons and one of his daughter living with him - only none of his known children are the right age to be these two. It is more likely that John age 60 is living with one of his children and is not a head of household. This would leave the John Piatt in Lycoming County to be his son, John, born 1767.

Go to Union County, PA Piatt Information.


Updated Jun 2005

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