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World Literature - You can find in this CD the full text of over 300 classic works, authors' biographies, slide show and relaxing music. Includes over 10,000 pages of text.

Art - Covers Art from Prehistory to Present Days. Includes over 1500 classic paintings, biographies, etc.

Interactive Living Book - Read and listen to the famous fairy-tale in 4 languages; play puzzles; look for hidden games :-)

Flora - Take a walk in the world famous gardens and see hundreds of plants

Birds - Look at and read about a great variety of birds. You can even hear some of them ...

Pets - All about dogs, cats, rats, birds and horses.

Aquarium - Explore the world of marine animals.

Musicarta - images, sounds and biographies of the world greatest singers. Covers jazz, rock, pop, metal music styles.

Gencarta - general encyclopedia - history, art, literature, music, astronomy, biology, etc.

World History - photos and texts for world greatest events, persons.

All products released for and marketed by STEFANI MULTIMEDIA & YO MEDIA