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What Can Obit City Do For Me?


We offer practical solutions for funeral home directors, newspaper and magazine editors, genealogists, business owners, home-based business owners, family historians and just about everyone else on the planet.


Have you always wanted to publish a book on family history, but just didn't know where to start? We can help. We can also produce books about the history of your funeral home, lodge, club, civic group, house of worship, or organization. We can do anything from novels to cookbooks. We can proofread your manuscript, typeset it if you haven't already done so, and turn it out in a nice-looking book format. E-mail our friendly sales staff at and get started on your project today.

Editing, hosting, or archiving obituaries:

Funeral homes: It's easy to get sidetracked with everything that goes on in your successful, fast-paced office, but one thing you don't have to worry about is editing or archiving your obituaries. Leave it to the professionals at Obit City. We'll turn out nice-looking, well-written obits and leave you free to get on with the rest of your business. Whether you need to manage obits for your funeral home, your website, your newspaper, your magazine, a genealogical society, a book project, a family historian or anything else, we're here to help. Obituaries, after all, are what we do.

For business, large or small:

Thousands of people visit Obit City every day, so why shouldn't they be seeing your ads while they're here? We have some of the most reasonable ad rates anywhere. E-mail for suggestions on how to get your ads on our site. We'll work with anybody, from major corporations to the most humble home-based industries.

Internet presence:    

We can get your funeral home online. As astounding as it may seem, there are still many funeral homes that do not maintain websites.

Every day that you are not online, you are losing money.

We offer very reasonably priced hosting packages, and can also get you set up with your own domain name. Now would be a good time to take advantage of our low rates. Clients aren't interested in dealing with businesses that can't keep up with the times. With the increasing mobility of the U.S. population, there will be many family members and loved ones who can't return to their hometowns to arrange or attend funerals. Hence, it's a great convenience for them to be able to do these things online. A website will help you establish that much-needed online presence and demonstrate that you're serious about doing business.

E-mail us at for a quote on your new website.

We can also do websites for your family history, lodge, house of worship, club, small business, home business, or anything else.  What's your passion? Whatever it is, get it in front of a global audience. People need to know about you (or your group) and what you do. We can make that happen. If you've been thinking that cost is a deterrent to having your own site, think again. We can launch your website at a very reasonable rate.   

For our advertising partners:

At Obit City, we eagerly solicit advertising, and enjoy building partnerships with our sponsors. We're here to provide advertising solutions for home-based businesses, corporations, funeral homes, organizations, media outlets or anyone else. We very much value our friends in the funeral industry. We want our advertisers to keep coming back, not only for the revenue and increased business opportunities, but for the solid partnerships we form with them.