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Obituaries, of course, are what this site runs on. We're primarily interested in older obits (we really like for them to be at least ten years old or more), but we'll take whatever you've got. Maybe you have one, or a hundred, that you'd like to share with us. Share twenty, and we'll mention you on the site. But there are a few tips we have for those who'd like to submit obits. Please consider saving us a mountain of typing and editing by following a few simple guidelines.

Click here to e-mail us an obit.

Click here for our approach to obits, or to use the handy submission form.

The above link also takes you to an obit submission form. You can submit obits via form or e-mail (if you're submitting several obits, it's best to use e-mail). Just cut and paste your obit into an e-mail or the form. If you are planning to submit a number of obits, you might want to use e-mail. PLEASE do not submit more than 5 obits in any single session. We have a rather large backlog of obituaries, and prefer to handle small numbers of obits. When we're done with those obits, you can send more.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When submitting an obit, you MUST tell us where the deceased was from. Please stop making us guess. You also need to tell us when they died. Hint: "Tuesday" is not a valid death date. Also tell us where the person is buried, or if they were cremated. If a funeral home was involved, please send that info along, as well. And as you already know, all obits are edited for brevity, and to match the stylistic content of the site. These are obituary abstracts. ALL OBITS ARE EDITED. Thanks!