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Why don`t you sing?
To the bird said the king
As he angrily stomped in his palace
I want to learn
So that I can earn
The trust of the hearts in the forest
I want to sing like you
So that I can do
What you`ve done to the hearts in the forest
But the nightingale
As the light grew pale
Remained still in her cage of silence
For how could she explain
That it would be in vain
For the king her song to sing
For his heart was not there
And his burden and care
Was far from the hearts of the forest
And he had no part
In the song of the heart
That the nightingale sang in the forest
For he lived behind walls
Could not hear the calls
Of the hearts of the souls in the forest
Did he not want to know
Did his ears deafness grow
To the cries of the hearts of the forest?
Though he wanted the song
And his heart did long
To be loved by the hearts of the forest
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