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Chuck Joyce , the shift manager at Boca FAU where I was a Sunday maintenance worker, didn't want to do anything on Sundays, the one day a week I showed up part time, so for 8 hours I did whatever I wanted, getting paid $7.32 an hour, to drive around in a golf cart anywhere on the deserted disneyland-sized campus, with a walkie I didn't answer, doing sketches and studying chem, making some of the fulltimers jealous, the coolest job I ever had for the 2 months I had it, beside Chuck is his Girlfriend who works in an Italian restaurant. A girl from Riveria Beach Florida was hit in the arm by a stray bullet.  Her expression is why I painted this. Summer of 2001. A japanese girl that later experienced the post Pearl Harbor concentration camps, and her favorite doll, which survived as well as she. I was fascinated with the girl's resemblance to my mom, maybe asians all look alike to me. Click for close up. See the wonder in this boy's eyes, not concerned about the damage and cost, just fascinated with the flood. CLick to see a larger more detailed version.   A companion piece to the starwars toy painting, including my sister, in the belle glade house on wedgeworth road, Fl  See the look on the woman's face Newest at top. The following are new uploads of old stuff. Cleaner photos. Thought it looked cool in the photo from the Palm Beach Post, of a skater in Forest Hill, when I painted it I added cops from another photo and hid graffiti messages and other references to highscool angst in the bushes Expresses my feelings about art college.  I was real depressed and didn't want to get a job at the time, while trying to lose weight and exercising religiously, I focused completely on this painting for a week.  Ignoring my parents and siblings and PBCC peers, not speaking to anyone. At the time I couldn't comprehend what right anyone had to be angry with me when I was struggling to live up to my potential,  I wanted to be left alone, my mom and sister took it personally,they seemed selfish and needy, my sister called the look on my face the smug-ass-bitch face. Everybody leaves a mark, I'm glad I did it during the angry passion of my early twenties, spending them doing my thing, instead of diluting my drive at a college taking tests and writing papers that I would never care about the moment after they were handed in.   I used my hypercolor technique, for what it lacks in contrast, it excesses in busy schizophrenic details, see the maze behind the babys head, I tribute Where's Waldo, Dr. Suess, The Jolly Green Giant, Mayan temple art, and the NIN pig song Hey Pig, from the downward spiral. The asian boys that appear throughout are me at various stages of adolescence and early childhood.  Its called Escape from the Pigs.  See how many othert references you can find (Mcpowerbar, altered MT Rushmore busts, many more,... Watercolors Colorpencils Inks Music Dan's Photos Acrylics Shop Garden HomePage

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