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Galileo's Room
Galileo's Room
134 x 111 cm
acrylic on panel


100 x 98 cm
acrylic on panel
Shower Block
97 x 91 cm
acrylic on panel
Triple Light Pattern
Triple Light Pattern
109.5 x 105 cm
acrylic on panel


Through the Walls
62 x 75.5 cm
acrylic on panel

119 x 101 cm
acrylic on panel

VAT Orange
95 x 100 cm
acrylic on panel
Double Window 
80 x 97 cm
acrylic on panel


49.5 x 70 cm
acrylic on wood
Light on Steps Pink & Green
55 x 28 cm
acrylic on wood
Light on Steps
112.5 x 128 cm
acrylic on panel
Pink and Green
 83 x 58 cm
acrylic on wood

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