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Annunciation Florida Negative Light Patterns

rThe Annunciation
50 x 40 cm
oil on wood

122 x 107.5 cm
oil on panel

Negative Light Patterns 
39.5 x 30 cm
acrylic on panel

Pattern in Yellow and Red City of Glass Light through the Window
Pattern in Yellow and Red
130 x 69.5 cm
acrylic on panel

City of Glass 
114 x 108 cm
acrylic on board 

Light through the Window
85 x 64 cm
acrylic on canvas

Bastille Steps and Railings Light from Inside
122 x 61 cm
acrylic on canvas

Steps and Railings 1
122 x 122 cm
acrylic on panel
Version 2 - Private Collection of Artist

Light from Inside  
126 x 75.5 cm
oil on board
Light with Office Inner Peace
Light with Office 
98 x 65 cm
acrylic on board

Inner Peace
122 x 61 cm
oil on board
Light Patterns I
45.3 x 35 cm
acrylic on canvas
  Prisoner's Dream

Prison Corridor 
110.5 x 109.5 cm
acrylic on panel


Prison Hallway 
122.5 x 70 cm
acrylic on panel

Prisoner's Dream
114 x 91 cm
acrylic on panel
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